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NASA's switch to Linux in space was driven by reliability, flexibility, and security concerns. The International Space Station (ISS) originally relied on Windows, but astronauts frequently encountered crashes and instability. In 2013, NASA announced that all laptops on the ISS would transition to Debian, a Linux-based operating system, to improve stability and control over software.

This change wasn’t just about reliability. Windows was much more vulnerable to malware, and in 2007, a worm named W32.Gammima.AG spread to the ISS. With Linux, NASA gained the ability to modify and customize the system for mission-critical applications without depending on proprietary software. Today, Linux powers much of NASA’s space infrastructure, from ISS systems to Mars rovers and beyond.

#Linux #NASA #Debian #OpenSource #SpaceTech #TechHistory

PSA about using 🌶️ spicy 🌶️ terms and names on Mastodon 

Don't censor or cuteify words like nazi or names like Elon Musk and Donald Trump.

Cute euphemisms or replacements may be necessary on centralized platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, Insta, YouTube, etc. It's not necessary here and it harms understandability.

You can — and should — just call racism racism and racists racist. A wider number of people will be able to accurately understand what you're saying if you just use the right words.

Using the actual names of people at least once per post lets people decide when and where they're going to read whatever vile horseshit various people are up to. It harms no one. It's just good practice.

New terms of service for Disney+ just dropped, including this gem:

okay, your wine fork launcher/wrapper integrates with a number of stores, but does it integrate with piracy?

@joepie91 oh yes, youtube tabs have gotten way more intensive recently in firefox. i think it's to encourage people to switch to chrome.

do i really have to sit with #fdroid open for half an hour waiting and clicking update twice for each app, or did i miss something obvious and i can ask it to take care of itself? #grapheneos

Quick friends what android games OR SNES roms should I grab before my flight. Note that playing any action heavy games on SNES phone emulator is fucking miserable so I ain't doing that, they gotta be slow

(Or other emulators + roms I guess)

Net nog weer een Brabantse regenboogvlag verzonden. Wie wil er ook eentje?



Ik verkoop ze voor een paar euro boven kostprijs om er niet op toe te hoeven leggen als er eens een keer iets mis gaat. Eventuele opbrengsten steek ik in ons vrijwilligerswerk voor Etten-Leur Divers, T-Nederland, en COC Tilburg-Breda.


Some testing later, and I'm now certain that it's specifically Youtube (and *only* Youtube) that slows down Firefox to a crawl.

harping on the most boring and most common pride slogan 

"Love Is Love" is such a great way of saying jack shit when that's precisely what right-wing chuds are trying to outlaw anyway, again, and when there is far, far more at stake along with it (all based on the concepts of further racialising, bodily autonomy, gender, hell even positions during sex, etc.).

I don't want to see that slogan this year. Come up with something better.

I really enjoyed this video from @bernadettebanner which demonstrates how check the quality of clothes before buying them, without looking at the price tag.


This is the week where people become suggestible to propaganda!


Everything Trump, Musk and their sycophants say publicly is a carefully crafted lie designed to trick you into believing what they want, EVEN IF YOU HATE THEM

DO NOT pay attention to what they say!
DO pay attention to what they do!

duck duck fedi for software 

is there a program for sway that will automatically configure outputs to be positioned next to each other on the virtual plane of outputs? …so that i can connect any number of outputs (with different resolutions) and will be able to each them all by mouse? it is not very important that their virtual neighborship represents the physical layout of the corresponding monitors of outputs

CW request, valentines 

please cw valentines day stuff. It's heteronormative, capitalist and ableist shit.
(Please, if you enjoy it, celebrate it)

For my own sanity, please make sure my filters work correctly

Office: cleaned!

(Or well, cleaned as much as is viable with my current lifting restrictions, anyway)

NixOS, FOSS ideology 

This whole thing is also an excellent example of how, despite the insistence from fossbros, "you can just fork it" doesn't magically eliminate the politics and the social factor in FOSS, by the way.

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I got a small empty bubble wrap packet from China.

The customs label claims it is "outdoor goggles", which is not a thing I ever ordered and also would not have fit in this packet.

I am so confused.

If you ever go shopping for a little treat for yourself to cheer yourself up have you considered getting an artist to draw something you love for you instead of buying a gadget or a cute hat?

(nothing wrong with gadgets or cute hats, but you have art forever, and looking back on the drawings is amazing)

Find an online artist with a style you like who says they take commissions. Be clear about what you want, but also give them room to do it their own way (that's the whole value.)

So worth it.

I have to hope that the tides will turn once again towards positive, progressive and forward-thinking behaviour, but I sincerely hope that when they do, people don’t forget all the corporations that *immediately* abandoned their so-called principles the second the opportunity arose

I’ve had a low opinion of big tech for a while but even I was surprised at the sheer speed of capitulation. They really are just empty husks with a logo

Berlin, looking for a place to rent, boosts appreciated 

Hello feed,

I'm on the lookout for an unfurnished single bedroom apartment, the cheaper the better, with central location.

If you know any people moving out, or know a realestate agent that has access to such properties please let me know.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.