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you absolutely do not need to "follow the law" just cause it's the law.

is it enforceable? if no, you can ignore that law unless there's an ethical reason to follow it anyway.

is you "following the law" getting someone else who's more vulnerable into trouble? then you have an ethical obligation not to follow the law where possible.

authoritarian governments rely on people obeying rules they do not have the resources to enforce, especially if disobedience is widespread.
disobey where you can, throw sand in the gears where you can't. slow them down. add friction to everything they try to do.

Gamers(tm) are really just always going to complain no matter what you do as a developer, huh?

Long Early Access period with constant updates to make sure the game is the best it can be? "Oh this game will never release, developers are bad"

Constrained development timeframe and declaring the game 'done' after that time, even if theoretically more could have been done? "Oh this game has been abandoned, developers are bad"

Medium development timeframe followed by a release and occasional updates? "Oh the developers don't care about fixing issues or adding content, developers are bad"

Like, what the fuck do you expect game developers to do then???

Since some of us may be thinking of maps at the moment I strongly urge you to check out QGIS. It is an incredibly powerful mapping tool that is free to use. Don’t like the maps someone else has made? Maybe it’s time to make your own

Anyway, if there is anyone working on alternative mapping systems to avoid relying on the us government for data or something like that definitely let me know, I have worked to move from ESRI products to QGIS and other open source tools in multiple jobs. Happy to give some time or assistance to anyone mapping for a good cause

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➡️Ladies and gentlemen: IK HEB HEM! ⬅️ #Arrivé ! - foto 2.
(Nu nog een ebike. 😅)

Iedereen (nogmaals) bedankt voor boosten en meedenken!!! ❤️

Edit 2. Sorry voor de overlast hoor, maar de wens is heel groot: ik probeer het nog één keer! ⬇️

Ik ben op zoek naar dit #boek van #FloraWaycott. Overal uitverkocht. Iemand die het in zijn boekenkast heeft staan en er niets mee doet en er van af wil?
Of iemand die het toch ergens te koop weet (in Europa)? #dtv

Edit: Ik zoek de Nederlandse versie.

Valve won't let me transfer ownership of Ben Lubar (Steamworks partner group) from Ben Lubar (account created because you can't make a partner group while being in a partner group) to Ben Lubar (normal account) unless I print out a letter explaining why I need to do this on company letterhead and get the CEO to sign it, then scan it in

which is hard because I don't have letterhead or a CEO

If you struggle to figure out what the quadrennial Dutch hacker camp is called this time: I got you.

Presenting Three Letter Acronym 20XX, which always redirects to the latest event website: #why2025

I uh. How do I report to a developer of a Steam-hosted playtest a bug about their bug submission system not working?

adulting advice 

🌠 Never underestimate the power of a job half done. Really, doing *some* dishes makes doing the rest of the dishes later that much easier. You don't need to completely finish the thing, just do the next step and come back to it when you can.

How many characters must one type on a keyboard to make a heart?

Less than three.

"you're hot"

Cis People: thanks! Guess I just won the lucky draw

Trans People: thanks! The most powerful people in the world tried to stop me and i did it anyway

@nyquildotorg @joepie91 You can read this post from one of the authors, I've linked it below, but TL;DR; it's a debug MMIO register region seemingly belonging to the GPU, and the "secret hash" is 0xC5ACCE55 - it's part of official ARM documentation.

I find it a stretch to call it a "hardware backdoor", a big fuckup, sure, but it doesn't seem deliberate.

re: uspol, google maps 

@joepie91 I definitely agree. Considering the names of international bodies of water are regulated by the International Hydrographic Organization, there is no reason other countries should even care about what the US calls it.

If anything, only the US version of Google Maps should show both names, to signal that there are two regulating bodies that disagree.

USpol, exhortation to stop pretending the words they use mean to them what they mean to us 

Everyone is talking about Apple trying to resist the UK's demand to put backdoors in their software, but hardly anyone is talking about the backdoor they actually put in their hardware.

"Kaspersky’s researchers affirmatively and without question found a deliberately concealed, never documented, deliberately locked but unlockable with a secret hash, hardware backdoor which was designed into all Apple devices starting with the A12, A13, A14, A15 and A16"

transphobia PSA, Sadasia club Dortmund 

just noting down for the NRW BDSM bubble that DifferentEvents/Sadasia Dortmund defines "woman" as "no penis" in their events.

uspol, google maps 

Google showing the Gulf of Mexico as "Gulf of America" for users in the US, likely really is consistent with their usual internal policy - similar locale-specific differences exist for many places in their dataset.

Showing *both* names for users outside of US/Mexico, however, likely *isn't* consistent with their internal policies... and it smells of obeying in advance.

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