computer discourse subtoot
i find "computers should just be good which means you dont need to know anything to use them" to just be a really individualistic standpoint.
not that computers couldn't or shouldn't be better but wishing for liberation from the material reality that all data lives on a computer somewhere sucks.
you either get a computer that's constantly trying to get into your wallet or a computer that requires you to deal with the real people making it work. those are your only two options.
Endermen aren't evil, they just have ADHD! They pick up random blocks near them because they find them interesting, wander around aimlessly while fidgeting and then drop them again when they find a new shiny block somewhere else.
(They're also autistic and don't like being wet for sensory reasons, and they don't like eye contact)
Thanks to the hard work of @cdn0x12, #GoToSocial v0. 18.x includes automated light mode / dark mode switching based on your system light mode / dark mode configuration.
This means visitors to the web view of your profile will be able to read your silly posts in whatever form they're most comfortable with. This works for the settings panel too! The auto switching also applies to "auto" profile themes with separate light and dark modes (not every theme has both dark + light mode counterparts at this point).
Big thank you to @cdn0x12 for this <3
Some screenshots!
that Microsoft AI study
(Or in other words: just because you agree with the conclusion, that doesn't mean that a given piece of research is sound, or well-executed, or even appropriate to the point being argued)
that Microsoft AI study
While it is likely true that the 'reviewing' of LLM-generated output involves less critical analysis than doing the work oneself (for reasons that have been well-understood since before LLMs existed) - I don't actually think that a study based on self-reports with no external assessment is a credible source to back that up.
"How does one perceive their critical thinking" is just as prone to cognitive biases as the 'uncritical review' problem itself is.
CW-boost: uspol, positive,
So grey outside. If you need some sunlight and colour, here's the rest of those 550nm #infrared photos from #Ostia Antica not already posted in December's Art Advent Calender ->
Edit: It might be done !!!
Original question follows for reference ...
Here's a really long shot ...
Back in the dark ages ... 1990 ... I published a joint paper with Ron Read, but I'm unable to locate my paper copy, and I'm not sure it ever made it to a digital copy.
Does anyone here have a copy of:
R.C. Read, C.D. Wright,
Computing with three-colourable graphs: a survey,
Ars Combin. 29 (1990)225–234
All information gratefully received.
Thank you.
(If you're interested I can tell you what it was about)
Mede-anarchisten in NL (en evt. Belgie): hebben we al iets van een onderling distributienetwerk voor (gratis, bulk) stickers enzo? :boost_requested:
Dat als iemand bijvoorbeeld een paar duizend stickers laat drukken, dat we die verspreid kunnen krijgen over het land zonder honderden enveloppen met honderden postzegels in de brievenbus te gooien?
Hey, you know how when you gotta do something that's so jank it'll only run on windows, you set up a new windows box, what's the first thing you do?
You go into the settings in the file explorer and swear at it and go "Where the hell have they hidden it this time" until you find the option that shows the whole filenames, right? So you don't end up double-clicking on cutekitten.jpg.exe, right? So you can see what the hell's going on in the computer that you bought and that lives in your house? How the hell else are you supposed to use it, right?
Most people don't do that. Hardly anyone does that. You are an outlier for doing that. You are a tiny minority. If someone downloads a zip with file.html and file.css and file.jpg then they only see file, file and file. Most people never change any settings. Most people don't even know that there ARE settings. The joke about the writer who sighs and says "Sometimes I'm sad that I make art.txt not art.jpg," nobody gets that joke, except weirdo computer people like us.
I cannot express strenuously enough how different most peoples' experience of technology is, to how people talk about it on fedi, which is full of the one person in a hundred who fiddle with the settings. But which also seems to have lots of people who are trying earnestly to make Software That Will Change The World.
If you want your software to be liberating, if you want it to be an agent of positive change, then it has to be usable and understandable by a majority of people. Being frustrated at Clueless Users won't change anything, won't help anything, won't do anybody any good. I promise you, these people are just as frustrated at you as you are at them, and you're outnumbered a hundred to one.
Meet people where they are FFS.
Voor een radicale buitenparlementaire oppositie!
Please don’t dismiss these free 10 minute webinars simply because they came from a makeup company.
I haven’t watched the one regarding what to do if YOU are being harassed, but the webinar about standing up to street harassment as a bystander is really good, it gives tips on how to stand up for people who are being harassed in ways that hopefully won’t escalate the situation to violence.
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.