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I wrote a CDC Archive Archiver to pull public information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Just in case people get weird ideas of removing science from the public discourse. This is part of a larger effort that, among others, @lavaeolus initiated. You are welcome to chime in if that's up your alley.


#AntifascistArchives #DigitalHumanities #ArchivalPractices

Nieuwsartikel dat Buienradar en co het KNMI aanklagen omdat ze een 'te goede' app hebben gemaakt. Dat vinden ze concurrentievervalsing.

Ik wist helemaal niet dat het KNMI een goede weerapp had, maar nu wel, dus nu gebruik ik die i.p.v. Buienradar. Bedankt, Buienradar!

Something I've been noticing lately, in a lot of different places, is that as economic conditions get worse, things start getting stolen more often.

I'm not talking about shoplifting here; I'm talking about people stealing from their own communities. I've noticed increased reports of this in a wide variety of communities, across countries.

Please be mindful of who you are stealing from, and don't let it be your community. And conversely, if you are still doing well financially, look for people in your community who are financially drowning and how you can help them.

actionable, AI 

Massive tech companies have invested absurd amounts of money into "AI" systems, recentering their whole business around it.

It seems to me that one of the most effective ways to hurt these tech companies, would be to sabotage their play by making "AI" as socially unacceptable as possible, so that their investments turn into useless bricks that nobody wants or trusts.

: I have a Rust question. My usual approach to developing a collection of modular (but related) libraries in JS is:

1. Start with one monolithic package, in which everything is developed initially.
2. But opportunistically minimize assumptions between parts of the package, so that internally it is already mostly modular.
3. Spend some time figuring out reasonable APIs for the remaining, more-difficult-to-modularize cases.
4. Eventually split out all the internal parts into separate libraries/packages and publish them independently, so that users can select only the parts that they need, and easily combine it with third-party libraries.

What would a good workflow for this look like in Rust, especially in terms of internal crate layout (in step 1) so that it's easy to split out into separate crates later, but also in terms of tools to use?

I do not use monorepos, each crate will have its own repository in the end. Also, contributors must be able to use standard Cargo commands to manage the different crates, so no 'wrapper scripts' or third-party tools (unless they can be made to run from within Cargo).


Wow, a single comment questioning and I was immediately blocked, not even a discussion man? really?

their choice to keep calling loops "open source" while the code is closed, as well as the recent post about hiding federation features behind extra menus so all new users auto-signup to services controlled by him, is concerning for genuine reasons (although I'm sure he's already called me a troll or something)

This combined with the comments/jokes about "exploring" advertising for the loops platform is highly concerning, here you have somebody siphoning users into a single server they control, while developing an app they call open source without any code being available, who also thinks advertisements are a reasonable business model for the fediverse...

We could have just spoken about your views on this, but I suppose my ideas about FOSS and no advertising were too threatening lol

Think twice, or thrice, about actually signing up and supporting
#Pixelfed or #Loops while dansup is behind them tbh

Edit: I've found a local place, thank you for all your suggestions!

I need a few small plates. Anyone here sell food-grate pottery? If so, please send me the link to your stuff!


With “DEIA” being dismantled, it’s time to rethink what we want. What we were doing wasn’t very effective; much of it put lipstick on a hierarchical pig. It’s time to think instead about what actually enables the thriving of the people targeted by white supremacy and what undermines the power of white supremacy.

To me, the hierarchical nature of most workplaces—a nature DEIA efforts worked within rather than challenged—is a big part of the problem. The bias of others who rate you and hand opportunities to you matters much more than the bias of a colleague you can associate with, or not, as you choose.

Another problem is the need to do something you hate doing because it helps nothing but an owner’s wallet. Owners *need* to control you, and an authoritarian power structure and infighting helps to achieve that control.

To achieve a world that is just and equitable and accessible, we need to radically rethink power relations, not establish yet another powerless committee.

realistic factorio-like where you have to rent a little building to build a production line for like toilet brushes or something else mundane

How do people go about making alt text for abstract art?

#Alttext #art #accessibility

actionable, AI 

Massive tech companies have invested absurd amounts of money into "AI" systems, recentering their whole business around it.

It seems to me that one of the most effective ways to hurt these tech companies, would be to sabotage their play by making "AI" as socially unacceptable as possible, so that their investments turn into useless bricks that nobody wants or trusts.

Something I've been noticing lately, in a lot of different places, is that as economic conditions get worse, things start getting stolen more often.

I'm not talking about shoplifting here; I'm talking about people stealing from their own communities. I've noticed increased reports of this in a wide variety of communities, across countries.

Please be mindful of who you are stealing from, and don't let it be your community. And conversely, if you are still doing well financially, look for people in your community who are financially drowning and how you can help them.

more apps should have offline modes, where they operate using info they have cached

also, more apps should cache information they receive so it can be reused without constantly connecting to the internet

totally not unpopular opinion 

strongmen are a danger to fediverse, we need lots of small servers run by nerds, punks, and queers, not big servers by wannabe techbros
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One interesting/encouraging thing about alt text on the fediverse is that its widespread adoption was as much the result of culture-building as it was a matter of engineering. Yes, developers had to build the capacity to add alt text, but the comparative prevalence of alt text use is the result of people teaching and exhorting one another to make thus network accessible, not of some unaccountable ML system making statistical predictions about what an image depicts.

thinking about that time someone posted "More bug bounty programs should take after the Microsoft Security Response Center." and MSRC liked the post just for the original poster to point out that it was posted on april 1st for a reason

i repeat: now is absolutely the time to challenge people in your "community" who are taking advantage of crisis to give themselves positions of power, create cults of personality, and establish themselves as gatekeepers of support and resources. "but that's infighting and we don't have time for that" no fuck that. now, before they can leverage dynamics of scarcity so others have no choice but to rely on them.

Bluesky users: For a mere $30million USD, we can distribute Bluesky to one other node

Fedi users: I put an instance on my car!

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.