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I expect everyone to do at least these two things:

1. Actively seek out the experiences and needs of people who are marginalized in a way that you are not.
2. Do *something* to actively oppose and fight fascism, guided by those experiences and needs. The exact method is not that important.

If you are not doing both of these things, I will be judging you for it.

The Jack Dorsey talk has now been removed as a talk entirely with no comment from the FOSDEM committee.

There's a lack of transparency and accountability with how FOSDEM is organized and administered.

To be clear, I don't think the organizers of @fosdem are dishonest. I do think there could be more clarity and transparency.

Perhaps the slot could be repurposed as an open discussion for attendees, volunteers and the organizers.

#FOSDEM #NoBillionairesAtFOSDEM

Be Gay. Do Crimes.

And if being queer as hell is a crime? That makes it easy, all you gotta do is live. However you fucking can.


Lang geleden dat ik huismerk-brinta van de Jumbo in huis had. De verpakking is weer eens vernieuwd, maar gelukkig zit de oude vertrouwde typfout nog in de ingrediëntenlijst. Volkerenmeel, is dat een soort soylent green? 🤪

furry fandom, antiblackness 

yall got too comfortable and complacent. you people let those vermin snuck up on you like you're some videogame ass enemies on easy difficulty. you preferred comfort to solidarity. and because of that, people like this are everywhere. they are in our groups, in our chats. in our furmeets and con leadership positions. so if you don't want that to get worse then go and grow a fucking spine already. "pawlitics" is gonna be here and affect us whether you want it or not.

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furry fandom, antiblackness 

if you see people like this, if you see that shit, you make noise. you tell them this shit won't fly and they better shut up. if they don't stop, or start some shit, you get rude, you excommunicate and ban them. maybe even beat the fuck out of them if they're physically present.

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furry fandom, antiblackness 

saw a furry on twitter harass a black furry by calling them you know what already word. with a hard -er, too.

this mf 5 years younger than me. he ain't even fully adult yet and he already feels comfortable saying that shit to someone.

so here's the deal, fellow furries.

you either fix your spaces,

or you let your culture and legacy die and you turn into another 4chan abomination filled with owo uwu nazis.

i don't care.

This will take a lot of practice to nail down - but have a look at the concept:
Zoom pulling during exposure on a moving subject

Sony A7, ISO 400, 1/25, Canon nFD 28-55mm

Physicians may be surprised to learn that there have been *dozens* of potential biomarkers (blood tests, saliva tests, etc, basically) identified for ME/CFS and #LongCovid. These never get turned into working, widely-available tests because no one funds the studies needed to validate them in large cohorts. Here's a new story from The Sick Times & a page from MEPedia that lists many potential biomarkers.

#medicine #ChronicIllness

uspol, musk, nazis 

If someone is willing to make excuses for Musk's nazi salutes, despite how overt and obvious it is, then they are also going to be willing to make excuses when nazis actually come for you or your friends.

In other words, anyone trying to defend this - including trying to play it down, trivialize it, 'reinterpret' it, call for 'reason', and so on - is a nazi sympathizer, regardless of what they claim their ideology or intent to be.

I'm not sure if I've explained this before, but this is a reference to The Wind In The Willows (1995), in which the antagonists are a bunch of fash coded industrialist Weasels, and in part they are defeated by Ratty's insistence on fucking with them at every opportunity, despite not even knowing what their actual plan is.


Remember, if you're at a furry con and someone wants to interview you always ask what news organization they're affiliated with first. Always.

bio: "kindness costs nothing"

posts: not a single content warning to be seen

citation re: uspol, angry 

(b) In addition to pursuing the death penalty where possible, the Attorney General shall, where consistent with applicable law, pursue Federal jurisdiction and seek the death penalty regardless of other factors for every federal capital crime involving:
(i) The murder of a law-enforcement officer; or
(ii) A capital crime committed by an alien illegally present in this country.

From Executive Order 14158

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uspol, angry 

trump brought back the death penalty and explicitly recommended using it on illegal immigrants but tell me again that it was just about us trans people protecting our own hides

The deadliest poison known to AI · iocaine does not try to slow crawlers. iocaine is purely about generating garbage.


politics, PSA 

we need queer infighting to stop like *now*.

zero time and patience for shit like "he/him lesbians don't exist!!" or "therians are not valid" or some shit. stop reinventing bigotry just to be on the side you think the leopards wont eat the faces of.

go and fight for each other.

Wow, this is a very impressive (and obvious in hindsight) abuse of Cloudflare to find the locations of arbitrary users of basically any app that uses Cloudflare, including Signal, Discord, ...:

I hope @signalapp takes note of this and adjusts their CF caching settings, or ideally Cloudflare comes up with a mitigation for everyone.

#cloudflare #security #privacy

You moved off FriendHole because of the accusations against the programmer, and now you're trying FishingFox instead. All your friends and their posts are already there, just like they were on FriendHole, it's all the same on like the techy programmy level, but FishingFox is better anyway because it has cool animations.

And they're not just for show, they actually do something too. See, every post floats gently down a pixelly river, and there's this lil fox guy sat on the bank with a fishing rod. You can scroll through the river like any other app, but if you tap on the fox, then whatever post happens to be under his rod at the time, he reels it in and walks over to another screen and asks you where you wanna put it for safekeeping.

But where do you wanna put it! You've got all these boxes, and those boxes can go inside other boxes, like your hard drive y'know? You might put a post in recipes/bread/sweet, or diy/wood/plans, that kinda thing. The boxes are good because it doesn't matter how old a post is, you can still get to it easily, you don't have to scroll back through the time stream to remember when you saved it, you just have to remember what it's about.

Cool thing is, you can mark these boxes as open boxes, and folk can come and rummage through them if they want. Alex has a box per car, with all, like, service manuals and shaft photos and stuff, and Jim has a garden box and inside that he's meticulously placed one box per tree and kept logs of when it was planted and fertilized etc. Someone posts a question you know about, you go "Oh dude check my boxes, I got whole boxes full of that stuff," you feel useful.

When you tap on Alex's boxes, there's a lil pixel raccoon in the corner saying hi. That's because Alex is vegan, and doesn't like the fishing fox, and uses the raccoon sifting trash out of the stream with a net instead.

You're vaguely aware that some folk would call your boxes a "website" but it's nowhere near that complicated, you're not gonna go learn about HTML and servers and all that crap just to save some wiring diagrams, you just tap on things and tell the fox where to put them, and everything's neat and tidy and organized.

Well, YOUR boxes are neat and tidy and organized anyway, Jen's are just labelled BIRDS and NOT BIRDS

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