I swear, 2025 is going to have to be when I stop being even a little bit nice about "AI." We've had almost three years of this hype cycle, and we've got fucking nothing to show for it but theft of artistic labor at truly staggering scales, massive increases in energy usage, and mind-boggling wealth transfer to an end times cult.
(This has been my first successful day off in 15 years, I think, and I mostly slept through it)
Here's something I've been working on for over 2 years, and I wanted to have something to show before Public Domain Day tomorrow: a fully accessible ebook, completely in the Public Domain. A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh. https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/67098
The conversion of all 75,000 texts in Project Gutenberg to Accessible EPUB3 is an ongoing collective effort, but the last missing piece for Pooh was to supply image descriptions in alt text worthy of this iconic work. I hope we've mostly succeeded!
With work being done to implement the Marrakesh Treaty, national "authorized entities" are now able to share accessible versions of in-copyright works with each other internationally, but we don't have to wait for that in the case of works in the Public Domain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marrakesh_VIP_Treaty
Project Gutenberg's accessible version of Winnie-the-Pooh can be shared freely throughout the world. If you don't like the added alt text, you are free to change it! (but maybe you'd prefer to work on one of the thousands of books that don't yet have image descriptions for the visually impaired!)
Creating alt text for a work of fiction is both hard work and a lot of fun. The descriptions have to fit in to the narrative of the text, without adding subjective interpretation of the illustrations. Not easy at all!
For example, the alt text for the illustration showing Pooh peering up at the bees can't call them bees, because in the next sentence, Pooh thinks: "That buzzing-noise means something. You don't get a buzzing-noise like that, just buzzing and buzzing, without its meaning something."
For Pooh, some technical corrections were necessary as well. The horizontal rules around the illustrations needed to be silenced with the HTML5 aria-hidden attribute. Six illustrations needed to be moved up or down a sentence to fit into the narrative.
In Chapter 7, the sentence: "If this is flying I shall never really take to it." had been rendered across 3 lines with margins and spaces, jumbling the word order. A change to vertical-align rendering makes it more accessible to everybody - I could copy and paste it!
We've played with AI for image description, and the results are quite good for complex figures and the like, but it will be quite a while before AI image descriptions can be set loose without human editors, especially for works like Pooh. AI's can completely whiff on the simplest images!
We're working to create UIs for alt text editing and creation to enable more people to help out in accessibility mitigation. Maybe one of these people will be you! There are thousand of books that need help.
racist conspiracy theories by ladybird dev
Part 2 of "how to emulate fused multiply add" is up!
This one is about 64-bit floats (or, more accurately, the largest float type available to you)
Turns out there are a lot more edge cases in this one (the kind the papers tend to overlook 🙃
“This button vaporises the finger of anybody who presses it!”
“Why do you always focus on the negative? You critics should talk about the benefits of the Vaporiser2000™. Every press mints $100K USD. That’s an amazing societal benefit.”
“It mints it in the offices of those who make the button! The presser doesn’t get any. They’re using bribes and pressure to force the finger vaporisation onto others!”
“There you go again, focusing on the negative. This is why nobody takes critics seriously”
Uhhh, I have a strange request. If you own a bread knife with a flat-sided handle in your kitchen, and calipers or something else that will measure to the nearest millimetre or so, and want something to do for 30 seconds, could you tell me how thick the handle is?
Yes, I'd like to collect some random samples of bread knife handle widths. Doesn't matter what brand, what it looks like, how long the blade is or where in the world you are.
I will explain later. Boosts appreciated.
Friendly reminder! Any of your beginning of the month stuff that you put off yesterday, do it today!
These might be things like:
- Once a month laundry
- Refilling med boxes
- Once a month cleaning things
For a lot of us, the holidays are major disruptions to routine. Getting back into those routines will make our lives feel less fraught.
Auf in ein glückliches 2025! 🥂🎊
Während Berlin noch feierte, haben wir in aller Frühe begonnen, die Reste der #Silverster-Party zu beseitigen. 670 Kubikmeter wurden eingesammelt - leider 50 mehr als 2024 😕Da lag die Menge des Mülls noch bei 620, i2023 sogar nur bei 520 Kubikmetern.
Natürlich können wir nicht überall sein: Daher wird der restliche Silvester-Müll innerhalb der regulären #Straßenreinigung 🧹 beseitigt. Wir geben wie immer unsere Bestes, dass #Berlin schnell wieder glänzt! ✨
There's no convincing or reasoning with people if they think your facts have a bad vibe. Explaining things, with references, has no impact because the references are gauged based on vibes and not how well the studies were structured or how well the paper is argued. There is no difference today between decision-makers in tech and the antivaccination crowd. They both operate on the same epistemology and worldview
One of my realisations I've come to during my newsletter/blogging pause is that the vibes crowd has thoroughly won, both in tech specifically and in general. Facts don't matter. Research doesn't matter. If it has research aesthetics and has the vibes you like, people treat it as truth. Motion and churn with the right vibes count as progress. Revenue is treated as evidence of inevitable future profit, no matter how irrational the underlying economics are.
Kafka monitor #5 (antifascistische onderzoeksgroep)
Antifascistische onderzoeksgroep Kafka "is een antifascistische groep die onderzoeksjournalistiek bedrijft naar extreemrechtse stromingen in Nederland. De resultaten van dit onderzoek publiceren wij op deze website en in bladen. Met onze publicaties willen wij bijdragen aan een goed inzicht in de handel en wandel van rechtsextremisten en hun organisaties. Ons doel is om op deze manier bij te dragen aan de bestrijding van rechtsextremisme.
@typeswitch playing an mp3 file pays most artists as much as when using Spotify
except if you bought that mp3 on bandcamp or alike, in which case spotify is basically piracy that you pay for and has ads
for the younger ones, an mp3 file is like a spotify track that you can listen to offline and don't have to pay for each month and it doesn't run ads.
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.