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Kinda wild that “no one should die for shareholder profits” isn’t a universal belief.

Apparently one of my skills is "mimicking the sounds of inanimate objects", like rusty playground swings, rubber duckies, and powertools.

(And a full range of cat sounds, but those are not 'inanimate')

Visual Artists:

Has knowing about #AI generated art had an impact on your art?

That is, have you shifted the focus or style of your work? Have you felt the need to make "making of" or process gifs/videos/image sequences to show how your work is created (to make it clear it is human made?)

Do you now use (or not use) certain elements/tools to distance your work from AI images? (For example, switching back to pen and paper.)

Check all that apply:

#aiart #art #artists #drawing

From the archive earlier this month: For the GRP 127 Tour du Brabant Wallon in Belgium SGR at multiple locations had difficulties finding locations for placing waymarkers, because of a lack of fences and trees. They solved that with those handmade wood carved maps before a section without signposts. This is the one near Chapelle du Rond Chêne in Tourinnes-la-Grosse.

Thank you for your interest!
We brought over 2000 #catears to #38C3 but are now completely out of stock.
See you at the next event :blahaj:

PSA: Bitte nutzt unsere taktilen Karten am #38c3 nicht als Ablagefläche. Nicht lang, nicht kurz mal was abstellen, einfach gar nicht.
Wenn ihr etwas auf einem Tisch seht, helft bitte mit es zu entfernen damit die Karten benutzbar bleiben!
#a11y #accessibility

Apparently one of my skills is "mimicking the sounds of inanimate objects", like rusty playground swings, rubber duckies, and powertools.

(And a full range of cat sounds, but those are not 'inanimate')

“Casual Viewing | Issue 49 | n+1 | Will Tavlin”

> According to Netflix’s rubric, two users who watch the first half of Sweet Girl and close their laptops equal one full “view” — as do 110 users who each watch a single minute.

Good, if depressing, read.

Hotel 'security' has been defeated once again.

I wonder how universal the password for the Mifare Ultralight is? Specific to the hotel, or across the entire chain?


The older I get, the more I think the basic division in human beings is, “I suffered, therefore I want nobody else to suffer” vs “I suffered, so I want EVERYONE else to suffer”.

You don't need to write your own code for your opinion on FOSS to matter. We want to hear from people organizing communities, operating their own social networks, and engaging with open media.

How do you approach governance of your platforms? What are your strategies for moderating online spaces? How do other approaches affect your willingness to participate in existing communities?

Apply for FluConf's track on Community-operated social networks, governance, and moderation by January 19th, 2025:


Hello #38C3
Please do not cause interference with GPS at the CCH. Some people rely on GPS during congress. (Timezone Settings on phones for medication reminders.) It may be a cool thing to play around with. I get you. But it can seriously harm people if they forget their meds because the timezone is suddenly on some exotic time. Thanks.

CC: @c3cert (for hopefully doing a proper PSA ❤️)

Hi all, I have what may be a strange request. My Nan is in a nursing home and can't go out due to mobility problems, but she loves birds. I show her bird photos I come across online but sometimes it's hard to find a lot of new/interesting ones. If you take any cool bird pictures, could you please add the hashtag #BirdsForBecsNan so I can find them more easily for her? The more colourful/exotic/pretty, the better, but she also likes to see rare/unusual birds.

(here is my crappy rosella photo)

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