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Glass fiber at the office is connected, but laying on top of the street. KPN is truly an amazing failure :blobcatgooglynotlikethis:

racisme, kermis 

"Er wordt in Nederland heel krampachtig mee omgegaan. Iedereen ziet dit probleem. Ik denk, zeg ik eerlijk, dat de multiculturele samenleving hier helaas ook écht een rol in speelt."


In zijn regio "is een groep actief die alle kermissen af gaat". "Ze leveren geen euro op, terroriseren de boel en jagen de bezoekers die wél plezier willen maken het terrein af."


"We kunnen ze niet weigeren, want je weet nooit op voorhand wie de raddraaiers zijn. En de politie bellen is ook zinloos, omdat die vaak niet de middelen heeft of simpelweg geen grond ziet om ze te arresteren."

Dus, beste Remco Saedt, je weet niet op voorhand wie de raddraaiers zijn, maar je weet op magische wijze wel dat het een groep is die "actief alle kermissen af gaat"? Terwijl je niet weet wie het zijn? Wat is het nou, weet je het nou wel of niet?

Of zoek je vooral misschien gewoon een reden om je racistische opmerking goed te kunnen praten, door een zogenaamde groep met buitenlanders te verzinnen?


a plea to trans folks in NL, especially trans guys please boost 

y'all i'm being so desperate right now. dysphoria keeps kicking me in the ass badly and i dont think i can keep going anymore - and it's still too early for me to pursue the "clean" path of transition

please, if someone got spare testosterone gel or something (very preferred as i despise needles and am too afraid of them) please reach out to me. im willing to pay up i just can't fucking live like that. i just want to ease the pain.

if you want to move to a secure place to discuss this also let me know. im begging on my knees i feel like going DIY-ish is the only way for me at this point


if the IA ever dies for good, there's gonna be a temptation to blame them for making mistakes that caused it (not having better infosec, taking off lending restrictions to try to help at the beginning of a global pandemic that shut down the world), but if they go down, they were taken down by deliberate actions by people (book publishers, hackers) not by forces of nature*

could they have played defense better? yes, could they have been less naive about how publishers would react during the pandemic, probably, but they were still deliberately targeted and we shouldn't misplace our anger

*(although there is a tendency to treat malicious hackers and corporations as forces of nature who have no choice but to do what they do, this is not true, these are human beings who make decisions)

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here's your periodic holiday reminder that FUCK THE SALVATION ARMY

they're a queer hate organization. don't fucking donate to them. only shoplift from their stores. tell their solicitors to eat rocks

mental health medication (+) 

Me before starting ADHD meds: "but without being legally allowed to drive how will I live in this city 😭"

Me after starting ADHD meds: "wow I sure am walking a lot more lately"

Reminder: Users have _availability_ and _utility_ requirements in addition to their needs for privacy and security. If privacy and security were all they needed, they would just stay off the internet.

The "all the major journals are just letting blatantly LLM generated papers through" thing should be a way bigger wake up call that science is broken than the daryl bem 2011 ESP paper, but since the obvious prescription is "abolish the whole fucking racket" the response is tellingly tepid.

#OpenScience was all fun and games when it was purity tests and window dressing, but when it comes time to refuse to publish in prestige journals and rebuild anti-profitable human-led communication systems, there isn't much appetite for it.

twitter, internet archive 

Incredible, someone seems to have succeeded at pissing off literally *all* of Twitter, regardless of political affiliation, by bragging about attacking the Internet Archive

ad copy talking about how company X must fight of 100000 cyberattacks every day are so funny like you can just tell that they count every instance of „someone tried to ssh in as root“ as a „cyberattack“ to make things sound dramatic

I made a histogram of wealth distribution in the United States, using the Forbes 400 list that just came out. Almost the entire US population is in the red line at the left, one pixel wide. To fit Elon Musk on the graph, each pixel is $500 million wide. In other words, from the perspective of the very rich, $0 and $500 million look the same.

I went through my sticker box and picked out the hexagonal NGI ones. These are some of the projects that risk reduced to no funding when EU decides to put tax money into AI projects instead.

#ngi #funding #foss

(Source of that photo is unfortunately very vague about who made this specific picture, it's one of the people listed in the header of

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I don't know why the internet is so full of sites that are happy to let you add alt-text to their images but don't understand that you should probably not put the textbox to enter that alt-text OVER THE FUCKING IMAGE.

I can't transcribe the image if I can't see it, guys!

Very looking forward to Danse Macabre, though realistically I probably won't have a chance until quite a while after my transplantation...

For a company that has spent years talking about how important the "Open Web" is, this is some petty bullshit.

Two little business bros couldn't work their shit out like adults and now it's everybody's problem.


is there a good (open source) tool for enumerating installed software on Windows?

there is a list in the Windows Registry but that only includes software installed in the "proper" way

it excludes portable software or just any random package cloned from GitHub

basically: any software that is in between the typical project SBoM and InstallShield™ installers.

Vlaanderen: We willen een B-Ticket.
Ook Vlaanderen: Er mag in het kader van een B-Ticket geen cent van elders naar Vlaanderen, of een cent vanuit Vlaanderen naar een andere regering of deelstaat vloeien.

Conclusie: Er komt geen B-Ticket.

subtoot of many, frustrated (3) 

And yes I *will* bite if you try to take this thread as an invitation to continue arguing the point, and you are going to get the unfiltered version of my criticism, so you should make very very sure that that is actually what you want before trying to dispute this

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