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re: computer complaining, docker, containers, why god 

you know i'm starting to think that this whole "docker" thing might be "fucking bullshit" and "a scam designed for cloud engineers with infinity resources at gigantic megacorporations" instead of "a reasonable technology for human beings"

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The correct answer to the question "do #audiobooks count as reading?" is not a simple yes or no. It's "yes, now please stop gatekeeping".

Edit: adoptiert!


Hat jemand basteltechnisch Verwendung für eine defekte Anker Power Core Essential 20.000 mAh Powerbank?

Sie scheint nicht mehr zu laden, etwas daran aufzuladen ging aber, daher denke ich, dass nur ein Kabel an den Anschlüssen irgendwo ne Macke hat? Der Akku ist auch nicht aufgebläht.

Kann man damit durch ausschlachten was anfangen? Ich fand's schade, die einfach wegzuhauen, falls sie nur nen reparierbaren Defekt hat.

Falls wer möchte, sagt Bescheid.

Firefox Inspector's Accessibility tab is showing me 0 issues on my page design and now I can't tell whether the issue detector is broken or I just somehow got all of it right on the first try :blobcatflip:

this is a :delijn: De Lijn appreciation post

✅ good tracking, with app that actually works
✅ nicely designed bus stop flags
✅ cool bluetooth feature to find the bus you're on
✅ contactless payment, with >1 person per card even
✅ timetable sensibly connects to mainline trains

public health idea: increase vaccination rates by referring to new seasonal vaccines as "limited edition drops"

If you want a practical example, here's one: a lot of edge cases are simply not supported in "digitalized" versions of government processes, because it would be prohibitively expensive to develop support for those few edge cases; things that could previously be handled on a case-by-case basis by a government employee just fine. And now they just can't, because the 'offline' infrastructure is no longer there.

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Every once in a while I am reminded of how fucked it is that we're almost forcibly moving all social and bureaucratic processes 'online', without ever recognizing that all those things that "nobody wants to host" and "nobody wants to be responsible for" are now just outright impossible, even though they were widespread and perfectly fine things to do 'offline' before.

(This may sound like it's referencing a specific thing but it's not - there are *so many* things that this applies to)

I think more applications should have the search menu that blender has. It's so good. If you can't remember where something is in the menu tree you just hit f3 (or space... depends on your bindings) and then type what you want to do. It's amazing.

(All of these are obviously subject to change as culture and expectations change, they're just the best summary that I can give of my current approach)

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My protest photo boosting policy, broadly:

- I will not boost photos that do not include descriptive text in either alt text, post body, or somewhere in the replies.
- I will not generally boost protest photos without CW; I sometimes make a case-by-base exception when the focus of the post is clearly on the solidarity and coming together, and not the world's misery.
- For photos that show faces, I will try to make a best guess on their context and consequences to decide whether to boost them. Depends on where they come from, pose, topic, and some other things.
- I am slightly (but only slightly) more lenient for photos from Dutch protests, as current protest and photography culture here are different.

Vandaag was er een sit-in protest op Nijmegen CS. Om iedereen eraan te herinneren dat de bezetting en onderdrukking van het Palestina al vele decennia duurt. En niet pas begon op 7 oktober. Foto-impressie in de post.

Okay, after reading this email, I can shut down my computer and change jobs:
'Dear colleague, the fact that our software does not function after 24 hours is perfectly expected. It depends on many dependencies, and we do not have complete control over all of them. For this reason, we suggest, as a standard practice, a service restart every 12 hours. This will ensure everything functions correctly.
And as a general recommendation, we always suggest restarting all services (if you are using Docker) or the entire server (if you are using a traditional setup) every 3 days, as systems tend to get bogged down over time and need to be optimized.'

#NoComment #IT #SysAdmin

Us pol (yeah, I'm tired of us too) 

America runs on oppressin'

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okay now i have a question that the fedi is probably the only place to ask.

so i am trying to look at apps for wheelchair drives (oh yes, those are a thing) and i am trying to research which ones of them offer predatory in-app purchases. unfortunately, they only show the option for in-app purchases after you’ve established a bluetooth connection to the drive itself, and since i don’t have a selection of wheelchair drives lying around, i can’t do that.

is there any other way to find out which in-app purchases are offered? i am not afraid to look at some code if i must but i am not very good at it.

CW-boost: description of psychological domestic abuse, reference to other types 

really it's less that i "believe in open source" and more that, like open, not-paywalled access to scientific knowledge, i find the alternative kinda unconscionable

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.