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Every time someone on fedi explains that lots of small instances "just doesn't scale" I smile and go "GOOD :BlobCatAngel: " in my head.

Is it a cool feature of fedi if it's expensive to have thousands and thousands of followers? Yep
Are there scaling problems for normal people who interact with a normal amount of people? Nope
Should we care? Nah


Happy anniversary to those who celebrate targeting civilians, diplomatic missions and international relief agencies.

A comment I made to a friend about the value of learning to use nonproprietary tools:

"Having a box I'm told not to open makes me uneasy. I'd rather learn than worry."

ranting, 'frontend', web development 

And to make this explicit, though I suspect it'd be implicitly understood by most: that means I want to learn more new things from women, non-binary creatures, Black folks, disabled folks, plural collectives, and so on, and so forth, everybody who tends to get drowned out of the Tech Discourse(tm).

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ranting, 'frontend', web development 

When I was younger, I used to enjoy reading articles about web development. About new CSS or browser features, novel ways of solving issues, browser compatibility things, and so on. Most of the sites and blogs with these articles were maintained by enthusiasts. There was so much cool stuff to discover and learn!

Now the whole "frontend" (what happened to "web development"? Not everything is a damn app) world has been taken over by fancy VC-funded startups so hard that you almost can't read an article about anything "frontend" without it trying to goad you into some proprietary service or "pattern" that's tailored around a specific company's offerings - and I can't even link most resources to others without implicitly advertising some tech company with a higher body count than some governments.

And if you manage to avoid *those*, you then end up on the Deep Philosophical Thoughts of Very Smart Men who have never in their lives looked at anything from the perspective of anyone besides themselves. And they probably are working for those *same fucking companies*, too.

This fucking sucks. I want to learn new things from other folks with nothing up their sleeves again. From enthusiasts who tinker and discover. Who might have a different perspective. And who actually enjoy the process.

Yeah uh I don't think I'll be buying a Yubikey again, if this is the grade of support to expect, what the fuck

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Man, the Yubikey software is some absolute hot garbage.

"Oh yeah to scan QR codes under Wayland you need to have gnome-screenshot installed [which doesn't work on anything other than GNOME] [because we couldn't be bothered to implement the screen capture protocol correctly]"

I've haven't heard a ton of people talking about this, so I wanted to spread it. The state of California has removed 4 outdated hydroelectric dams that were blocking the breeding ground for Chinook salmon. This removal unflooded 2200 acres of land, and in preparation for this removal Native American tribes have been collecting and breeding seeds of native plants. They took these seeds and planted them along the restored river bank, taking the first steps to restoring the area.

Edit: different link incase the first one doesn't work:


bad vibes company alert 

that's, upsetting.

company in melbourne appropriating the "spoony" label to try and get a bunch of disabled people to join their custom social network

it is VC-funded, and even if the people running it are disabled themselves this still strikes me as inherently bad

link is, and it has very bad vibes all around

they also have very strange terms, like… you guarantee to be as authentic as possible and not "misrepresent" your age, identity, etc., which like. I have a feeling this is supposed to be a "don't pretend to be oppressed when you're not" rule, but it feels more like "we will very carefully scrutinise your identity and banish you if you don't follow our rules"

they also say they're moderated with "AI and humans" and given how they supposedly have less than 10 employees I have a strong suspicion that it's mostly not humans

remember to not invalidate people's struggles! what's easy for you might be difficult for someone else.

Vanmorgen geslapen tot we vanzelf wakker werden, daarna de hele bus opgeruimd, alle Romeinse spullen weggestopt, ontbeten en afgewassen.

Om 12 uur op pad om wat dingen van het wensenlijstje van mijn partner te bekijken: de scheepsliften bij Thieu! ⛴

#VakantieMetJeT #BelgiJeT
#België #Vakantie #VWCalifornia #HotelCalifornia

okay this sounds like a shitpost but the difference between "I don't want to watch a romcom right now" and "I don't want to watch a movie with an emotionally abusive mother right now" is not ... like, these are not statements from different planets

it feels like people hate content warnings the same way people hate pronouns - which is to say, they're perfectly okay with them until they are made the focus of attention, at which point they suddenly get reinterpreted as something alien and foreign and probably villainous

and like

they're the same thing

even when you're not focusing on them

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"How bad were the billionaires?"
"Just one of them managed to ruin the sky for everyone. The sky."

it has been 0 days since i've been asked to agree to the- wait, what?

I called EMS once and police showed up before paramedics (paramedics were busy).

The first thing they said? “You don’t look sick.”

They waited for paramedics who took me to hospital - but that initial response stuck with me.

It’s why mask bans are dangerous. Police aren’t trained to make medical decisions. They shouldn’t be the ones deciding who can and can’t legally wear a mask.

Many illnesses are invisible - you wouldn’t KNOW we’re disabled to look at us.

Most of us have experienced gaslighting from friends, family and even doctors - people are quick to judge and decide you’re “not that sick.”

So are we really expected to risk criminal charges by wearing a respirator & just HOPE police will believe we truly “need it”?

Not to mention that medical exemptions leave behind anyone who wants to mask to protect and preserve their health - as well as caregivers and family of disabled people.

We rely on them to keep us safe - we NEED them masking in public.

I sincerely hope more people join the fight against mask bans soon - because if we don’t fight against them - more cities and states will pass them and more people will suffer.

A good respirator is excellent protection against covid & other illnesses.

We shouldn’t be further excluding disabled and high risk people from public - but that’s exactly what these ugly laws do.

Call your elected officials - tell them medical masks can not and should not be banned.

Don’t embrace escalating fascism and eugenics just because you don’t think it will impact you.

Don’t celebrate it because you hold a grudge about mask mandates.

It won’t stop with disabled people. Help us now & your future self will thank you.

My full article on mask bans, medical exemptions and how we’re witnessing (and even welcoming) escalating eugenics and fascism:

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #CleanAir #WearaMask #Disability #LongCovid #Ableism #Denial #CleanAir #Pandemic #PublicHealth #InfectionControl #Eugenics #SafeHealthcare #N95 #Respirators #MasksWork #MaskUp #Spoonie #Discrimination #Dysautonomia #mecfs #pots #mcas #communitycare #wearamask #chronicillness #keepmasksinhealthcare #MaskBans #NoMaskBans #bullying #CleanAirClassrooms #UglyLaws

Yeah uh I don't think I'll be buying a Yubikey again, if this is the grade of support to expect, what the fuck

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Man, the Yubikey software is some absolute hot garbage.

"Oh yeah to scan QR codes under Wayland you need to have gnome-screenshot installed [which doesn't work on anything other than GNOME] [because we couldn't be bothered to implement the screen capture protocol correctly]"

If you were born in 2006 and live in EU or Serbia, Turkey, North Macedonia, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein,
and like trains/traveling
you might be interested in this:
EU is essentially giving out free Interrail passes - those allow you to take all trains in Europe. Your chances of winning are pretty high, so pls try if youre eligible !!! And if not, please boost :3 Time is until October 16

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.