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RFC 9225 – Software Defects Considered Harmful

This document discourages the practice of introducing software defects in general and in network protocol implementations specifically. Software defects are one of the largest cost drivers for the networking industry. This document is intended to clarify the best current practice in this regard.

What I really want from technology these days is passivity. Physical buttons, and PASSIVITY.

No guessing, no anticipating, no predicting.
No autofill, no autocorrect, no autodrive and PLEASE God no autoplay.

Just be inert until acted upon!

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NEW VIDEO - Goth Is White: Pallor, Prejudice and Purity

probably my nichest-sounding topic yet, but many of the concepts apply more broadly and relate to broader issues. should be something of value here for anyone with any interest in learning about power structures and race dynamics, however wh*te goths are obligated

even by my standards this one might get people’s backs up, so please approach with good faith and be ready for some potential discomfort

this has been a HUGE labour of love (and many other emotions). big thanks for all the encouragement when I was hesitating about it back in April or so, glad I did it in the end 🖤

hospital, blood test, bureaucracy, positive 

I am once again impressed by the local hospital folks' problem-solving and administrative skills. They usually send me the lab form for blood tests by mail so that I can test at the local branch instead of the main location (which requires a train ride). But they forgot this time, and I *had* to get it done on Monday.

So I sent them an e-mail over the weekend while the department was already closed, asking if they could send me the lab form anyway, hoping that they'd figure out a fast-enough way, and pondering whether to opportunistically make a test appointment for Monday already even though I might not have a form to go with it.

I ended up doing that, but I needn't have worried; first thing this morning I got my lab form by e-mail, with the note "we've marked it urgent so that this time you can go do it without an appointment". Awesome. They'd apparently already foreseen this conundrum even though I didn't mention it to them.

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Only 7 days left in the European Citizens’ Initiative to tax the ultrarich to finance the climate transition.

Over 340,000 people have signed the petition so far. We need more than double that to send a clear message.

It takes less than 5 minutes.

#climate #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #TaxTheRich #EUPol

Increasingly happy that I never took CB3ROB (of CyberBunker fame) up on his offer of wanting to meet me

My fellow chickens:

If we do NOT allow the fox to sit down with us and help us draw up the blueprints for our upcoming coop renovation, then can we really claim to be a welcoming and inclusive community?

Shame on anyone who wants to outright exclude the fox. Especially since the fox has some great ideas for how we can make this place useful and accessible for all our canine and lupine brethren. I thought we were champions for diversity!

(unfortunately I am not at liberty to disclose how much of this chicken feed was provided by the fox)

#Meta #Threads #SocialWebFoundation

ranting, 'frontend', web development 

And to make this explicit, though I suspect it'd be implicitly understood by most: that means I want to learn more new things from women, non-binary creatures, Black folks, disabled folks, plural collectives, and so on, and so forth, everybody who tends to get drowned out of the Tech Discourse(tm).

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I am getting this post framed, fuck it all in a hopelessly positive way

So about the #SocialWebFoundation announcement... This sentence sort of sums it up for me:
"Users on any platform can follow their friends, family, influencers, or brands on any other participating network."

So, not people but users.
No collaborators, organizers, activists, co-conspirators, fellow players, or colleagues, but influencers and brands.

It sounds like a dream from corporate USA, not an underground movement, mycorrhizal network, research collaboratory or emancipatory project.

I specifically do not want any influencers or brands in my timeline.

That is not what I want to build or live or love in.

ranting, 'frontend', web development 

When I was younger, I used to enjoy reading articles about web development. About new CSS or browser features, novel ways of solving issues, browser compatibility things, and so on. Most of the sites and blogs with these articles were maintained by enthusiasts. There was so much cool stuff to discover and learn!

Now the whole "frontend" (what happened to "web development"? Not everything is a damn app) world has been taken over by fancy VC-funded startups so hard that you almost can't read an article about anything "frontend" without it trying to goad you into some proprietary service or "pattern" that's tailored around a specific company's offerings - and I can't even link most resources to others without implicitly advertising some tech company with a higher body count than some governments.

And if you manage to avoid *those*, you then end up on the Deep Philosophical Thoughts of Very Smart Men who have never in their lives looked at anything from the perspective of anyone besides themselves. And they probably are working for those *same fucking companies*, too.

This fucking sucks. I want to learn new things from other folks with nothing up their sleeves again. From enthusiasts who tinker and discover. Who might have a different perspective. And who actually enjoy the process.

Want mogelijk goed om te weten, je hebt geen cookiebanner (met acceptatie) nodig voor ieder cookie! Alleen als je je gebruikers gaat tracken. En wil je dat echt? En waarom?

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When the kids in the other room go to the search bar on the Apple TV, my phone pops up a dialog asking if I want to type on my phone’s keyboard instead of using the remote.

So I hit yes, and when the search box pops up, I hit the X to clear what they were entering and quickly type “BAD YAMS” and tap the search button.

I can hear them yelling from here. “Why does it keep searching for bad yams? What’s wrong with this thing?”

My brother works at a healthcare facility that recently unveiled a bunch of new, time-consuming, and complicated procedures for sterilizing equipment.

The equipment techs have been complaining because the procedures are, in their opinion, stupid.

The organization they work for cited a research paper that said these procedures reduce infection rates.

My brother, however, has a science background, and knows how to read a peer-reviewed paper.

He found the paper they cited, and it does say that these procedures will reduce infection rates, and it cites another paper as its source for that.

He found that paper and read it. It cites another paper in making that claim.

He found that paper. It had cited a previous paper. So he found that one.

He traced this claim all the way back to its original paper, which doesn't even make that claim. These procedures were just mentioned in the paper as something that *could* possibly reduce infections, but as something that would need to be tested to know for sure.

They weren't tested. A series of authors just kept citing the author before them, each making the claim a little more firmly until it was stated as a proven fact.

In a move that absolutely no one asked for:
I am porting the Windows Vista/7 desktop Gadgets to Wayland with some GTK sorcery.

These widgets are actually zip files with web resources plus some metadata.
I got the Machine CPU and RAM stats working, along with some of Microsoft's weird JS API's.

Does *every* Star Trek series just have an obligatory alternate-timeline episode about "terrans"?

policing, funding, "efficiency" 

Even if you think police are necessary and are in favour of them existing, there's one very important thing to alway remember: their investigations are *supposed* to be slow and expensive. It's a safety measure.

Investigative techniques costing a lot of time and money to apply, without a lot of budget available, is one of the most effective ways to prevent overuse of them; to ensure that they are only used when they really need to be. It's one of those "checks and balances".

By arguing for "efficient policing" and "process optimization", what you end up arguing for in practice is for cops to be able to use these techniques indiscriminately without much thought, because the cost and effort is trivial. This is a really bad thing!

Remember this?

"There are many reports of Black people being refused at border crossings in favor of white Ukrainians, leaving them stuck at borders for days in brutal conditions."

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When I say antiblackness is global, this is just one example of what I mean.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.