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"Police interactions are people's first engagement with the prison system. Police can be in any public setting. They're on the street. They're in hospitals, libraries, train stations. They're in our schools. They're in our workplaces. They enter our homes - sometimes when summoned, sometimes by force, with or without a warrant. As K's experience illustrates, police bring the threat, and often the reality, of harassment, surveillance, criminalization, arrest and even death. Patrolling protests - including protests against the police - is part of their job. Police ensure that, particularly for marginalized people, there's always a possible path from everyday life to prison."

— Maya Schenwar, Victoria Law, Michelle Alexander: Prison by Any Other Name, p. 144

Being detained three separate times in my life (one for shoplifting, once for fare evasion and another for protest activity), this whole chapter, especially being based in New York City, is really getting hard to read, but I feel seen in a way I wasn't expecting.

boost with CW: food used as a metaphor to make a really important point about AI and image descriptions

TIL you can view every issue/PR on the entirety of GitHub

Advertising should be viewed through the same lens as code injection is in computer security (when an attacker gets a computer system to run a program that it actually shouldn’t and that usually benefits the attacker).

The point of an advertisement is literally to inject the idea of a need into your mind, a need that you didn’t already have before (“You do actually need a new car.”), or a more specific version of an existing need (“You’re need food? You should really eat this!”).

It’s an attack on the integrity of your very being and it should be defended against.

With my #adhd, the question is never "Can I learn this?" but more "Can I learn this within five days before the next exciting thing comes along?"

we have to kill capitalism so the internet can be good again

meta, communication styles 

I've noticed that the (autistic?) practice of "repeat in different words what was said to explicitly acknowledge it and incrementally add onto it at the same time" often gets interpreted as "mansplaining" on here and I'm not sure what to do about that

ADHD thoughts 

Non-newtonian motivation: gently nudging me to do something is okay, but if you push me it becomes very hard to do the thing


You know how everyone votes for a politician for their populist progressive promises and is all surprisedpikachu when the politician fails to achieve any of them?
Just once I would love to instead see a politician get elected on their safe corporate moderate platform and then shock everyone by implementing surprise socialism

Het is weer zover.

Den Aha levert diepvriesspul.
In een tas.
Die in de tas babyromaines zit. Bevroren dus, 5 stuks.
Winterwortel: deels bevroren.
Bleekselderij: idem.
Prei: idem.

Dan nog groente in stukken.
Een fles kapot.
Op de kokosnoot 'zit iets raar nats'.

Ik snap dat gewoon niet. Ze vergoeden het maar ja: te laag bedrag voor bezorging dus ik moet naar winkel die ver weg is, dus met tram.

Soms, soms gaat het goed.
Meestal niet.
Vandaag dus weer niet.

I like how in order to access mental health care, you have to do a bunch of things that require you to be mentally healthy.

Wat een nuance in een programma voor kinderen, iets om als volwassenen van te leren:

Indonesië in de oorlog, Klokhuis

"Honderden jaren was Nederland de baas in grote delen van wat we nu kennen als Indonesië. Janouk gaat vierhonderd jaar terug in de tijd en ziet hoe Nederland delen van het eilandenrijk met geweld veroverde. Veel Indonesiërs wilden een eigen land. In augustus 1945, kort na het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, riep Indonesië de onafhankelijkheid uit. Janouk ziet wat voor oorlogen er nodig waren voordat Indonesië eindelijk een eigen land werd, en hoe deze tijd hier in Nederland wordt herdacht. In de sketch zien we hoe Nederlandse kolonisten zichzelf heel erg beschaafd vinden, maar zijn ze dat ook…"

#Klokhuis #OnafhankelijkIndonesië

Whenever you see a headline or an editorial piece which is wildly at odds with the evidence of your eyes and ears, just ask yourself, "How would the public accepting this as fact benefit/empower/enrich the billionaire who owns this megaphone?"


So, Microsoft decided to break lots of people's computers:

Any "security improvements" that require people to buy a new computer (or phone) is a security upgrade that poor people and/or people in the third world don't benefit from.

It is worse than useless, it is discriminatory, it is obscene. It throws people under the bus, causes us great economic duress, for the sake of other people's security. It erects a walled community and keeps us out, and pretends things are safer by removing us from the statistics.

Eckartsberga. Het station lijkt haast bevroren in de tijd, er zit zelfs een vuilniszak in de afvalbak #Pepermuntje

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I have managed to create a table style that I am quite proud of

this is all done with CSS

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.