Background: I always ask these sorts of questions for the same reason - to keep my understanding of barriers that people run into "up-to-date"; and to make sure that I'm not overlooking things, especially those I might not experience myself.
The answers to these sorts of questions are an important part of how I decide what to focus my own efforts on, and I prefer doing it publicly so that hopefully it can inform other folks' priorities too.
#AskFedi: what keeps you from building your own community space on the web, that works exactly the way you want? :boost_requested:
This doesn't have to be about a fediverse space, and it doesn't matter what kind of reason it is - technical, financial, social, ethical, otherwise, I want to hear them all 🙂
(Boosts much appreciated, I'm hoping for this to get outside of my bubble!)
From Houston oil to Pittsburgh steel to Portland timber, Norwood Viviano's kiln-cast glass sculptures map iconic city skylines through each location’s recognizable industries.
re: 4/shitty tumblr queers, "DNI"
@forestine @elexia if “queer” is a slur then yes please, I want to be called slurs.
on a more serious note, as someone who often helps people figure out or improve their hrt access/dosage/effects, I wish I had similarly good sources of information about transmasc hrt as I do for transfem.
I get where the “t is icky” attitude comes from, for many transfems this is what they see as a substance that “destroyed their bodies” in ways that are either irreversible or require a huge effort and expense to change - but that is, uh, not a great way to process the pain and sense of loss this causes. it keeps people stuck instead of moving on, centers the trans identity around dysphoria instead of euphoria and alienates half of us as the “other side”. yes, half of us.
one of the most amazing experiences I had that helped me find healthy ways of dealing with all kinds of dysphoria was a long, personal conversation with a transmasc enby friend about our pre-transition and transition experiences, including effects of puberty and hrt - on the body, emotions, sexuality, everything.
we spoke of the exact same things, just swapped around on the timeline and associates with entirely opposite feelings. realizing this was, first of all, funny. seeing the same things I hated, described by someone for whom they brought joy and hope, changed the way I think of them - and he felt the same about his sources of dysphoria.
trans people need interactions like that, we need a community where we can have them.
Soms stuit je op een artikel waaraan werkelijk niets is af te dingen. Dit is er zo een. “Rijke mensen zuigen de rest van de bevolking uit.”
Schrijver Jamal Ouariachi draait er geen doekjes om: Nederland is een verzorgingsstaat voor de rijken, gefinancierd door de armen.
Hij prikt door de bullshit van trickle down economics, alsof de rijkdom van een kleine groep op den duur positieve economische effecten oplevert voor een veel grotere groep.
Niet dus: “Oxfam rapporteerde in januari dat de vijf rijkste mensen ter aarde hun fortuin in de afgelopen vier jaar hadden verdubbeld, terwijl de 60 procent armsten ter wereld — bijna vijf miljard mensen — erop achteruitgingen. Er bestaan veel van zulke statistieken, en allemaal laten ze hetzelfde zien: de ongelijkheid neemt toe.”
Om nog maar niet te spreken over hun enorme CO2-uitstoot en energieverbruik versus de omgekeerd minimale belasting die zij betalen: fors minder dan alle andere bevolkingsgroepen.
Extreemrechtse populisten spelen hierin een belangrijke rol als ‘bruikbare idioten’:
“De populist zal nooit naar de werkelijke veroorzaker van de problemen wijzen (rijke mensen!), maar naar een makkelijke zondebok. Zo wordt de ene groep mensen met weinig inkomen opgestookt tegen de andere groep mensen met weinig inkomen: de arme autochtoon versus de arme migrant.”
Migratie is nu de obsessie, terwijl ondertussen het geld van rijke mensen goed bewaakt wordt: “De verhoging van de brandstofaccijns is uitgesteld (rijken gebruiken nu eenmaal meer brandstof dan armen), de vermogensbelasting gaat omlaag, er komt belastingvrije inkoop van eigen aandelen, en zo zijn er nog meer luxe-cadeautjes.”
Meer van dit, please. (
#armoede #rijkdom #kapitalisme #BreekDeKetens #BekenKleur #KomBIJ1
something funny I found along the way is that a few of the parts are packaged in anti-static bags with LCSC labels, but inside that bag is another bag... from Mouser? O_o
my guess is that these are parts that were sourced for JLCPCB assembly (LCSC and JLC are vertically integrated) but then didn't get used for whatever reason, so they ended up listed on LCSC at clearance prices. so I basically bought them from Mouser with extra steps at 10% the price.
The software development world needs a serious reconsideration as to its priorities and metrics, honestly.
The survey also found that remote workers were 23 percent more likely to say they have "a psychologically and emotionally healthy workplace," 19 percent were more likely to cite "high levels of cooperation," and 18 percent were more likely to say that people avoid office politics and backstabbing.
Tangentially, I feel like there's a pretty strong correlation between "arguing that the standard library of a language should be extensive" and the problem of "popular things are often those that superficially sound like they have a lot of features, even if it comes at the expense of reliability, maintainability, complexity, etc.".
The latter is often recognized as a problem around here (and rightly so). It saddens me that the former then gets missed so often by the same people.
I will never understand people complaining about JS (or any other language, for that matter) on the grounds that it doesn't have some very specific thing "in the standard library".
That's what a package manager is for, friend. So that you don't need to ship everyone's kitchensink with the language runtime whether you need it or not.
Saw someone elsewhere assert that Britain is “one of the least corrupt countries in the world”, and couldn’t let that go unchallenged, so here’s what I said:
Only because of this one weird loophole, which I will explain below:
For the last decade, the previous government has been awarding public contracts for infrastructure, etc, to what are essentially shell companies run by their mates. These companies then do the bare minimum for as long as possible, which if you drive round the UK, is why you see all those road “improvement” works which do nothing and take forever and never seem to have anyone working. It took two years to replace a roundabout with a set of traffic lights near my apartment, for example. Other examples: large amounts of “PPE equipment” during Covid which turned out to be useless junk.
Obviously they aren’t actually spending anything but a trivial amount going through the motions, so what happens to the rest of the money, which let’s remember, was raised by taxes.
Well, it gets donated back to the ruling party as “political donations”, and then if the pretend contractor does a good enough job of this, they get an knighthood, or even a seat in the House of Lords for “services rendered”.
Now you might think that this sounds corrupt, and you would be right. It sounds deeply corrupt, but apparently it’s not because a lot of the global agencies which work out corruption indices are based in, checks notes, London, and are probably in on the scam, and get to define what “corruption” means, and define it to mean, “not this”.
Et voila! You have a country with one of the biggest wealth gaps in Europe funnelling vast amounts of public money to populist spaffers in government, all legal, laundered and sanitised.
The whole of UK society is like this. It’s how it works, and once you see it you either join in, or walk away in disgust.
Technical debt collector and general hype-hater. Early 30s, non-binary, ND, poly, relationship anarchist, generally queer.
Sometimes horny on main (behind CW), very much into kink (bondage, freeuse, CNC, and other stuff), and believe it or not, very much a submissive bottom :p
Feel free to flirt, but if you want to actually meet up and/or do something with me, lewd or otherwise, please tell me explicitly or I won't realize :) I'm generally very open to that sort of thing!
Further boundaries: boosts are OK (including for lewd posts), DMs are open. But the devil doesn't need an advocate; I'm not interested in combative arguing in my mentions. I am however happy to explain things in-depth when asked non-combatively.
My spoons are limited, so I may not always have the energy to respond to messages.
Strong views about abolishing oppression, hierarchy, agency, and self-governance - but I also trust people by default and give them room to grow, unless they give me reason not to. That all also applies to technology and how it's built.