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@joepie91 @helle our ideal code formatter would allow ranges and thresholds for everything, so only strong outliers would be changed. Maybe sometimes I want one blank line between functions, and sometimes two to match their higher semantic separation, but 5 lines is probably a result of pasting something and a formatter can take care of that

That kind of thing

so about that "twitter api leak" yesterday that i also saw people talk about on here and taking at face value. it was fake, i analyzed it (and the circumstances surrounding it) in a twitter thread at the time and have since helped snopes report on the story as well.

I really wish people would be more conscious of the language they use. A nude body, a discussion of kink, or a conversation about genitals is not inherently “lewd.” I don’t think it’s a good idea to socialize the idea that it is.

youtubers talking about "leaked content" while looking at an intentionally published and linked-to promotional page for the content they're claiming "leaked"

Hello, world!

We are FAFO, a non-profit semiconductor and analytical chemistry research lab in Munich.

We exist to bring together people and tools necessary to advance not the cutting edge of manufacturing, but the cutting edge of making bathtub semiconductors and other Weird Hacks in your local hackerspace.

We've just rented out our first location and brought in a gorgeous 1980s JEOL T330A SEM. Restoring it to working condition is our first project, and this is where we'll keep you posted.

my personal view on the mutual aid vs. harris thing 

If the choice is between Trump and Harris, I think it's very important that Harris get elected, despite all the problems with her, because the alternative is significantly worse.

Likewise, I am somewhat excited about the renewed enthusiasm among Democrats to actually do anything at all, and go (relatively) on the offense. In that light, the fundraising success is a good thing! I hope she succeeds at winning the election, despite my misgivings about the political system as a whole.


At the same time, there are people on here, in *your local community on fedi*, that are literally starving, with their mutual aid requests going unanswered for sometimes months at a time. *Your* virtual neighbours.

And in that light, I also think it is a good thing that people who donate to Harris but not to mutual aid requests are being made very, very uncomfortable by angry folks, including 'polluting' the Harris hashtags.

There are sometimes situations where people need a reality check, to stop living in their political bubble where if they just find the right political strategy, everything will magically be fixed. I often say this in the context of anarchism, but it applies just as much to Democrats and their supporters.

This conflict is exactly that. It is people in poverty telling Democrat supporters, to their faces, that they have neglected to care for their neighbours despite clearly having the means. Confronting them with the harsh reality of their politics. That their supposed political ideals are worth nothing if they are not put into practice. And that is a very important message to convey.

If you are a Democrat, a liberal, however you identify, this is something you should be listening to. It's going to be uncomfortable, and it is *supposed* to be; it is meant to shatter your illusion that poverty is a hypothetical thing that happens to Other People Far Away, and drive you into constructive action.

You can deal with this either by stubbornly insisting that these 'annoying beggars' are in the wrong, or by learning from what you are being shown and taking action to rectify it to the best of your ability.

The choice you make will tell other people a lot about your politics.

commenting on the whole mastodon for harris thing 

see, like, this shit is the exact reason why i do not trust capitalists or centrists or liberals. they say they're allies and then pull shit like this. what kind of solidarity can we even talk about?


So here's a question I've been wanting to ask: is anyone doing daily digests of still-active mutual aid asks, by any chance?


@joepie91 I'm pretty, and sure we've had lightning talks at Apache Confs that were basically just @shanecurcuru reading (rapping) all the names, and demanding that letters of the alphabet that weren't mentioned be filled by the next board meeting

(i may be misremembering this, or it might have been a dream)

"scammers", kind of mutual aid related 

So here's a 'fun' fact: low-stakes scammers, so the kind that goes for hundreds or thousands of dollars rather than millions, are disproportionately folks in poverty who have resorted to scams as a way to pay the bills.

So even *if* there were scammers in the MutualAid hashtag (and that's unlikely), *even then*, giving to mutual aid requests would *still* support people in poverty.

donations meta 

i was maybe a bit surprised but not really. there are a bunch of privileged people in this network and it's mostly insufferable white liberals who will make excuses to not give money to people and who do believe in meritocracy deep inside. it can be undone but it's a lot of work. you might not even see each other's posts even.

so yeah, of course there's is money, they are just not being spent on mutual aid


List of Apache Software Foundation projects, a sacred tome which no mere mortal has ever been able to read in its entirety within its fragile lifespan

I’ll add some personal bonus information to why I’ve come to think opening a git issue is peer review.

I started my PhD by beginning to develop little software/hardware tools by myself. I could “finish” them off and get a publication out of it (actual academic currency) and leave it at that, as happens ever too often.

Yet, I believe that we (the scientific community) need fewer projects, that are (1) better maintained, (2) with a larger community and (3) better adoption. I think this is crucial to ensure not just future reproducibility, but also that skills we researchers acquire (and learned how to use a piece of software is a skill that takes valuable time) will benefit us for much longer.

So what I decided, instead, I re-aligned, and decided my efforts were better spent contributing to existing projects that were *almost* what I needed, but not quite. Rather than committing code, I’ve written countless detailed feature requests and bug reports, spending countless hours coming up with minimal reproducible examples to help the developers pin down issues. I’ve worked closely with a number of project maintainers improving their projects (at least I think so) without contributing a line of code.

I think it’s the best decision I could possibly have made. It means the software that is already used widely (or that I think will be) improved, and personally I have had so many great interactions because of it. But there is no formal way this adds *anything* to my CV - grant applications, job applications are completely unaffected by what I consider some of my most important contributions to science as of now.

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... and the 'get help' page links to a Google Group that was banned for violating ToS in some unspecified way.

That's not promising.

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I feel like the one of the lowest level human internet problems we haven’t solved is how to be around millions of people, many of whom vocally disapprove of at least some of our thoughts and actions, without letting our hyper-social status-sensitive primate brains either melt or devote themselves to arguing that all our positions are the right positions for everyone.

Like yes, some algos are bad, but we also just built structures we can’t quite handle and are perma-mad at each other about it.

The deeply frustrating thing about this is that I also believe we have to be able to find our people in the big morass of the world, so I can’t accept that the Dark Forest/group chat model is the way forward, which is why I am spending all my available time and brain on this stuff. 🙃

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