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Great to see that the Australian Olympic team are wearing high quality masks around the Olympic village. We are starting to hear about COVID outbreaks at the Games, so this is a smart thing to do.

more detail on nonconsensual genital surgeries and the fucked up language we describe them with 

I explicitly avoid the term circumcision here because in addition to describing the procedure instead of the result (foreskin removal), the usage of a banal medical term across (generally american) culture to describe people is super fucked

like, oh, is this person cut or uncut? what absolutely fucked up language to describe people with. there's a reason why people who get genital surgery intentionally as adults avoid using terms like "neovagina" or "neopenis" non-sarcastically, because we shouldn't be fucking describing body types by how they were surgically altered.

and also, it's worth pointing out that everyone has foreskin, but foreskin removal of the labia specifically is generally outlawed under the cis bullshit term of "female genital mutilation"

and yeah. performing surgery on the genitals of a toddler without any medical reason is genital mutilation. imagine if routinely we just decided to chop off every kid's little toe for absolutely no reason. most people won't care, and yeah, it'll heal, sure. but also, what the fuck? that's mutilation.

I'm going into the more routine version because that applies to more people, but yes, it's worth saying that so many intersex people get even more complicated, riskier surgeries done to them intentionally because we want to act like they were always "normal" in the first place. and that's fucked up. there is basically never a reason to perform surgery on a toddler's genitals, and especially no reason to conceal that they had surgery done from them. fuck that.

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trans-hater rhetoric, feat. nonconsensual genital surgery 

you abso fucking lutely cannot argue against trans procedures being "irreversible" when unnecessary, irreversible genital surgery on infants is common. oh, I can't take HRT because I might be unable to ungrow my boobs, but you're allowed to cut off part of my dick as a child just because you think that's good for me?

like, routinely, cis people will perform nonconsensual genital surgery on minors to push their unrealistic expectations of genitals, onto children, to ensure everyone has explicitly only has one of two genital configurations, where (at least among Americans, and others) one of those configurations is completely unnatural.

and like, you're not okay with people choosing to change their genitals, or their body in general, later in life, just because they might regret it?

maybe, you're just spewing bad faith nonsense and don't want to believe that people can make choices for themselves, which is why you make choices for them

dear furry fandom,

we wouldn't have the very concept of fursonas without Ken Sample, a Black man, being the first to popularize the idea.

so can we all agree to metaphorically whup the ass of any of our own who even jokingly bring up DEI policies as a reason for a business behaving badly towards its workers and/or customers?

"Google is now the only search engine that can surface results from Reddit, making one of the web’s most valuable repositories of user generated content exclusive to the internet’s already dominant search engine.

If you use Bing, DuckDuckGo, Mojeek, Qwant or any other alternative search engine that doesn’t rely on Google’s indexing and search Reddit by using “,” you will not see any results from the last week."

Minor tech-adjacent gripe today: please don't assume folks have a license to Times New Roman.

sexism, description of injury 

So in a park in Austria named Area 47 there's a water slide that is "men-only". According to the park, the reason has nothing to do with sexism, it's because it has a history of causing vaginal injuries, and so people with a vagina (or, in their words, "women"), cannot slide down it safely, and therefore they are not allowed to.

While I'm sure that this was legitimately their reasoning, here's the thing - that actually *is* an issue of sexism. Because why wasn't the design safety-tested against this when it was built? They're almost certainly using a testing methodology that doesn't take into account anatomy differences. That's *exactly* the sort of problem you get from systemic sexism (and it mirrors how eg. medical testing procedures often work).

@PacificNic I think covid lockdowns were a vivid illustration of this. Most people who lost their jobs or were furloughed immediately started offering free art, shopping for their neighbours, sewing PPE or organising food shares

@0xabad1dea Ethan Zuckerman (@ethanz on here) noted this way back in the 20th century when he worked at Tripod. In 2008 he wrote "Porn is a weak test for the success of participatory media — it’s like tapping a mike and asking, “Is it on?” If you’re not getting porn in your system, it doesn’t work. Activism is a stronger test — if activists are using your tools, it’s a pretty good indication that your tools are useful and usable."

Links/cites/context at:

@tillshadeisgone if anyone is "looking" and "cant find" people who could actually use that money to live, here's a list of Black and Indigenous friends who really need it:

So I see that in one day, folks organizing through a hashtag on Mastodon have successfully collected almost $100,000 in donations for Kamala Harris' campaign. This is pretty impressive, in my opinion.

Now, I'm not going to discourage you from voting or from participating in electoral politics. But I am going to just point out that Black queer and trans folks' mutual aid fundraisers on this platform routinely go underfunded and even the boosts are sparse.

When considering donating money, I want us to ask ourselves: whose needs are centered? Who benefits? Why donate to a politician but ignore a poor person? What are my politics really and how do they show up in my spending habits?

These are just suggestions, but I think the implications are pretty important.

has anyone made a formula for how much thread a seam would take?

i imagine it would be something like

seam length • (fabric thickness • a + stitch stride • b)

where a and b depend on the stitch pattern used (obviously a backstitch will use more thread than a single stitch)

i have once again fallen to my vices: trying to explain some small technical thing and having it spiral way out of control until i'm conflating release engineering with Doing A Gender and decide to announce another transition via my work's developer comms

if you have a savings and a steady income

you should be giving to mutual aid asks regularly

help people for fucks sake

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if you have money for new tech regularly

you have money to give to mutual aid asks

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if you have money to donate to the democratic campaign

you have money to be giving to mutual aid asks

This is CrowdStrike admitting they haven't used staggered rollouts or canaries -- techniques to limit outage blast radius, both of which are now well over a decade old. Total ineptitude!

interrail cancellation compensation, help 

my train from the spanish-portugese border from badajoz (as well as the intercity from entroncamento to lisbon) got cancelled because of the strike actions. i've applied for delay compensation and put in the delay that would've had me reach my destination using the next train (around 16h later), but i took a long-distance bus the same day (which i didn't disclose). now #interrail staff is asking me to confirm:

After a review of the situation, we need you to please confirm if you reached your final destination (Lisbon Santa Apolonia)? If you did, how long after your initially planned arrival (at 22:30) did you reach that?
If not, then please elaborate on how the final destination was reached.

As far as we understand, you reached your final destination on the next day. Is that correct as well?

now i don't want to lie to them, but i'm scared that if i disclose that i didn't take the train after all, i won't be eligible for compensation (around 20€ per delay) - the bus cost me 72€.

does anyone here know enough about #train/#railway passenger rights to help me here?

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