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brain cell: "it would be really nice if there was, like, a directory of fediverse people's online shops so I could buy all their stickers and music and stuff"

only other brain cell, bopping around inside of skull: "Mallstodon"

So we shouldn’t hold people accountable for bad behavior at all?

No, we should definitely hold people accountable for bad behavior. But we have to ask ourselves what the purpose of holding them accountable is? Is it to punish them? Make ourselves feel better?

Or is it to change their behavior?

Because only one of those options makes the world better

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does anyone in #seattle have leads on interesting community-centered spaces for small gatherings? i have messaged all of these spaces:
- passable
- common area maintenance
- seattle interactive media lab

...nobody has contacted me back even to say they're not available or interested. It's extremely frustrating. Thanks!!

any of you a part of mask blocs? i'd like to distro masks but they're kinda pricey! how do you do it?

subtooting, queerphobia, "you" 

(Aimed at someone else) "Well you should have expected to have to field questions about your weird bio, otherwise why put it there? You must be setting yourself up to get mad at people"

Have you considered that, y'know, not everything revolves around you and your understanding of someone's identity?

Have you considered that they might not give a shit about whether you understand it, and were expressing themselves for their own enjoyment, and you are the asshole crashing the party by demanding Justifications about something that wasn't For You to begin with?

This sort of shit really pisses me off, as if existing in public somehow comes with a built-in obligation to be understandable to ignorant cishet dudes. Like, no, fuck off, gaining understanding is YOUR job.

As an archivist, let me say clearly:

Modern copyright law is actively harmful to the preservation and study of our culture.

It harms artists by giving undue power to publishers. It harms artists by limiting remixes. It harms preservation and research efforts.

It's broken. It's bad. It should be massively reformed.

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are you an instance admin or mod on the fediverse?

do you hate meta, facebook, instagram, and threads?

wanna help keep them outta the fediverse and retain what makes this community so relatively safe and comfy?

send a clear signal that you're not fuckin around and just want them gone: sign the fedipact today!!! :FediPact:

#FediPact #meta #threads

geklaag over treintoiletten 

(Eh, of was het nou de Flirt? Nou ja, die schuivende ronde deur dus, die je met twee knoppen dicht moet doen.)

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geklaag over treintoiletten 

Echt, wat een UX-faal zijn de toiletten in de SNG sprinters toch ook. Nagenoeg 100% van de keren dat ik iemand naar het toilet zie gaan, snappen ze niet hoe de deur werkt - dicht proberen te trekken, niet op slot doen, op "open" drukken... Ik heb intussen zo ongeveer alles wel gezien behalve de bedoelde procedure.

Daar had echt iemand terug naar de tekentafel gemoeten. Dit ontwerp is duidelijk nooit door de user testing heen gegaan.

Gimme the CELL processor again! Give me chips with names like Reality Engine

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obviously if you have very strong breathing issues or are unable to afford masks etc that means you can't and i don't mean you in the above post
but yea
statistically i have a bunch of followers that /are/ meant in the above

wear a fucking mask
save someone's life, possibly your own

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also, if you stopped wearing a mask for whatever reason: you can just start again, and i'll not judge—in fact i'll thank you

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advice to independent software developers 

Speaking from many years of experience with software development, personally and professionally: There's really nothing special about the stuff that large tech companies do, actually.

In the vast majority of cases where it looks like they have some magical technology that's miles ahead of what's publicly known/available, in reality they're using the same commodity tools and techniques that you are using, they've just papered over the sharp edges with marketing / manual labour / UI design / etc.

Sure, they have more budget, more marketing teams, more developers, more testers (well, hypothetically anyway), more control over the market and so on. That is all true.

But ultimately you could totally build the majority of the things they build yourself, as long as you set realistic goals. (Whether you *should* do that is a case-by-case question, of course...)

I’m at a ~2000 capacity music venue, and can’t see anyone else wearing a mask.

COVID’s still about, still fucking over the lives of so many people who have had it. It’s not just a cold.
Please stay safe.

Jailbreaking RabbitOS (The Hard Way)

Spoiler alert: they're violating GPL, but that's the least of their worries

I know that somewhere, there's instructions on how to make a #Raspberry Pi pretend it's a Hue light, and in that way, add #GPIO-controlled lights to a #Hue bridge.
However, I can for the life of me not find it anymore... Anyone know what I'm talking about/where to look?

Sometimes I feel like pain in the ass to some moderation teams I'm in. I tend to bring up that some actions of other moderation team members are unfair towards moderated users and this usually results in some members of moderation not being very enthusiastic about interacting with me.

I think as much as we try, there will always be a power difference between moderators and users with no moderation powers, and moderators always ought to mind that and consider it a bias so to try and eliminate it from their actions.

Moderators should always look from the eyes of moderated and consider whether moderation action against them would be fair. Try to give benefit of doubt.

advice to independent software developers 

Speaking from many years of experience with software development, personally and professionally: There's really nothing special about the stuff that large tech companies do, actually.

In the vast majority of cases where it looks like they have some magical technology that's miles ahead of what's publicly known/available, in reality they're using the same commodity tools and techniques that you are using, they've just papered over the sharp edges with marketing / manual labour / UI design / etc.

Sure, they have more budget, more marketing teams, more developers, more testers (well, hypothetically anyway), more control over the market and so on. That is all true.

But ultimately you could totally build the majority of the things they build yourself, as long as you set realistic goals. (Whether you *should* do that is a case-by-case question, of course...)

“Adactio: Journal—Ad tech”

> But the idea that behavioural advertising works better than contextual advertising has no basis in reality.

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