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The cool thing about cracked adobe products is that blocking their access to the internet is usually part of the crack. Piracy and privacy are besties

i should not be required to pay any of my bills during june on account of queer

Too many people don't know how to handle a situation where formerly foundational concepts like "facts" and "the rule of law" are flouted by some and embraced by others.

When it's your job to find cohesive, nuanced truth and someone calls that very concept "devisive" or "political," you Keep Doing Your Job.

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So Microsoft is shipping a new feature in Windows 11 called Recall, which takes screenshots of what the user is doing every few seconds, and then feeds it into OCR.

And I've read a number of people describe it as useless.

But I disagree.

I'm sure plenty of people will find it very handy.

For example, your friendly local law enforcement agents and prosecutors are likely to find a feature like this very useful.

As will the NSA, the other three-letter agencies in the US, and intelligence agencies around the world.

Including the ones in authoritarian states. A couple of back doors, and it will be so much easier keeping track of who's been typing naughty words like "Prigozhin", "Navalny", or "free Hong Kong".

Not in the state surveillance business? No worries!

Assuming this data isn't locked down properly — and we are talking about Microsoft here — it's sure to find plenty of more mundane uses.

Perhaps for bosses who will no longer need to install keyloggers to snoop on their staff.

Or jealous current and former partners.

Mark my words, this poorly-thought-through attempt to shove LLMs in another place they don't belong to temporarily spike Microsoft's share price will find its uses.

And the next computer I get definitely won't be running Windows.

#LLM #AI #GenerativeAI #Microsoft #Recall #Windows #Linux #OpenSource #Infosec #Apple

PSA, gaming, please boost 

So, just lost a lot of games.

If you have any spare storage or storage media I ask of you to archive some ROMs, even one game file is beneficial. Just get that random USB and put some games on it,

We need to preserve old games. I have several small drives with some romsets, but its not enough, we need into work together :3

Here's a rough guide:

If you has sub 5 GB
Focus on cartridge consoles

If you have a lot of storage
Try to archive optical systems too

Please boost, let's try to coordinate.

And also don't forget bios files

#retrogaming #gaming #psa #retro #emulation

Naomi Wu and NukitToBeSure have published an Open Air Purifier Laser Cut Enclosure Builder that lets you input the size of your filters and your fans etc. to generate a file for your laser cutter to help you build your own PC-fan #CorsiRosenthalBox . And the lovely person of Clean Air Carborro Chapel Hill futzed around to find the right dimensions for the IKEA Starkvind filters (unlike furnace filters these are easily sourced around the world)
#IndoorAir #CovidIsNotOver

Vandaag is de #fatbike weer de gebeten hond (terecht imho) en morgen weer wat anders. Wat al die zaken gemeen hebben is dat ze weinig op hebben met #GemeenschappelijkeRuimte (te grote auto's, te snelle fietsen, te grote kratjes, te dit, te dat). Dat begon ooit met de auto en we zijn doorgegaan met het weggeven van openbare ruimte aan private dingen die anderen een prettige omgeving misgunnen. En uiteindelijk de gebruikers zelf eigenlijk ook. Hoe krijg je dat laatste bij mensen in hun hoofd?

The French press came with instructions that include my personal favorite instruction: “stare at coffee while willing time to move faster.”

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Wow, apparently there is now a classifieds sales platform for the Fediverse called Flohmarkt ("flea market"). You can find out more at:


...and especially its wiki page at:


The wiki contains a list of existing servers, compatibility with other Fediverse platforms like Mastodon, and instructions for installation.

No official account yet but you can follow the lead developer at:

➡️ @grindhold

(via @Tealk 🙏 )

#FediTips #Fediverse #Flohmarkt

Amazing thing seen in the wilds of the internet today:
Guy who thought 'pride was a riot' means it was a good rowdy time for all involved and not, y'know, a riot.

If you became ill at or after EMF, please fill in this short anonymous survey so we can monitor and improve our health measures:

There are some reports of COVID so far, but gastrointestinal illness is currently winning by a relatively wide margin.

Kinda hard not to be an AI hater when almost everything we've seen of commercial AI so far has been theft, complete garbage, a scam or all of the above

If you are the person who abandoned a tent full of crap at EMF: We are going to find you.

You have enraged a group of people who enjoy puzzles and suddenly have a lot of free time.


re: a thing I have learned about my brain 

I assume that this is probably an thing, and it's kind of absurd how well it works, given that I'm fully aware of the deception involved.

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a thing I have learned about my brain 

Over the years I've started 'designing upfront' for the software I write more and more. And this is broadly a good thing, but one problematic effect it's had, is that the actual *writing code* part frequently gets stuck on mental blocks.

The design part is fine! But putting it into code became more and more difficult, and it felt like the amount of stuff I *actually* got done went down.

So as it turns out, my brain needs to see a thing 'working' to be able to continue focusing on it and being motivated about working on it. It doesn't have to *actually* work, it can be completely fabricated behaviour, it just needs to *look* like it works.

So... over the past two weeks I've been getting a lot of shit done in my projects, by writing the absolute most fake implementation of things where everything is simulated with `console.log`s (but according to the architectural design!), and then gradually replacing parts of the code with bits that actually do the work.

There are a number of nominally open-source projects that I have avoided over the years because they smelled 'off' to me, like they were run like a startup or otherwise had an unhealthy governance...

... and a significant chunk of those projects are now jumping onto the LLM hype.

You can usually predict this sort of thing, when you pay attention to early warning signs.

Not a hot take. Once a basic need gets expensive enough that anyone needs to take out a loan to be able to have it, it has gotten too expensive. This applies to cell phones. It applies to housing. It applies to cars in places where they are necessary for daily transport. Debt should not be a default state. Once debt has become necessary for someone to live, they have become a de facto indentured servant.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.