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i just read that a different term for Pathological Demand Avoidance is Persistent Drive for Autonomy.

That's SO much better. The first one is clearly a case of neurotypical people naming something after their own inconvenience.

:Trek: Rejected Star Trek plots 

* Ro Laren convinces Data that vagina dentata are real, causing a diplomatic incident that can only be resolved with Dr Crusher's reluctant assistance

* Barclay invents a phaser that's a "leftie," re-igniting a centuries-old prejudice and in the process, arming the still-angry minority

* The tardigrade from Discovery plays in a field with otters and butterflies; some Starfleets rub their little bellies, scritch scritch

Draadje met plantjes en beestjes die ik zoal tegenkom.

Gewone veldsla (Valerianella locusta)

I'm curious, both academically and out of self interest: throw enby/androgynous names at me. Rules:
- Sam, Alex, and Max (plus variants) are out for overuse
- preferred if it works in Germanic languages but not a requirement
- must at least be kinda recognisable as a "normal" ish name for both binary genders in either German or English
- should at least kinda be a "normal" name (that is to say, "substantially less out there than just going by phoenix as a legal name")

I'm not
particularly set on actually replacing my legal name (I don't mind it that much) but I kinda wanna try some names and found options to be woefully lacking beyond a handful obvious and overused ones

Oh btw you can actually download any file from Google Maps in full resolution (and with original file name 💀) easily

All you need to do is to click "Report a problem" in the dropdown menu next to image's author

File loaded on the page that will open is a raw uploaded JPEG with just the metadata stripped lol

#TechTip #Google #GoogleMaps

We fundamentally believe every program, app, and operating system should always and unconditionally act in favor of it's user.

We don't think that is that bold or controversial of a statement yet none of the mainstream ones do in any way do so

here's the little guide for modding Fallout: New Vegas on Linux that I wrote in about 1/5 the time it took for an 11gb file to download from Nexus Mod Manager


Het lijkt ook ieder jaar wel erger te worden...

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If you are supporting an Autism group, like Autism Speaks, that uses the puzzle pieces, please be aware, these organizations are actually anti Autistic persons. they are the equivalent of conversion therapy for autism!

If you truly want to support autistic persons, look for groups who are led by autistic people...

you might start with Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)


Ik word echt schijtziek van die pagina's aan affiliate-link-rotzooi voor boekhoudsoftware wanneer je probeert iets op te zoeken over je belastingaangifte.

Playing with internally lit cubes, wrapped in colored washi paper. These are USB powered and use 4 two inch long LED strips. I love them because they look totally different (but still cool) when they are not lit up.

@futurebird Here's a cautionary tale.

One Central Park in Sydney was an award-winning green development.

From Vogue in 2014:

"Sydney’s One Central Park complex says a lot about the possible future of our architecture: that buildings needn’t be a strain on the environment, that more high rise doesn’t have to mean less greenery, and that tall buildings may even be able to improve rather than diminish their surrounds. Designed by Atelier Jean Nouvel, One Central Park in Sydney’s Chippendale has been given 12 awards since its completion in December 2013: it took out the title of overall winner as well as taking out Sustainabilty Award at the international LEAF awards, and has just been awarded ‘Best Tall Building Worldwide’ by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) in Chicago."

More from ArchitectureAU here:

Then, in 2022, the planter boxes literally fell off:

"2022 saw a planter box fall to the footpath below, with local Council calling for repairs to protect the public to take place immediately. Structural engineers have been assessing the safety of other planter boxes that adorn the biophilic building, with some boxes supported by ropes to mitigate risk, while 33 have been removed."

Oh, and it also turns out the planter boxes are flammable:

"Category A and B cladding – the two most flammable – were found on the doors, structures (Cat A) and planter boxes (Cat B) respectively, with the dispute currently before the courts after the Planning Department issued an urgent fire safety order in January in the wake of the cladding inspection."

More details here:

The building itself is beautiful — I used to work nearby and visited a number of times.

But beyond flammable planter boxes, the bigger problem with the building becomes apparent on street view.

That building on the right, covered in plants, is One Central Park.

It's on a congested six-lane stroad filled with cars and trucks.

Too often, we silo off architecture, urban planning, and transport.

But what we need is green cities.

A green building won't help the environment much if people born fossil fuels in their cars to get there.

#urbanism #architecture #planning #UrbanPlanning #cities #sustainability

Just checked and yes, the screen reader is still broken in Fedora 40. (Cannot be controlled; keyboard shortcuts/modifier key doesn’t work.)

So this is yet another release where the screen reader is broken by default.

It’s amazing to me that this is not a showstopper.

#accessibility #a11y #fedora40 #fedora #linux

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More LLM grumbles 

Large language models are like "What if your computer was powered by torturing Black people in another country? And what if every time you bring this up in academia, someone hand-waives your concerns away condescendingly"

sometimes a measure becomes bad bc it was made into a target. but sometimes it was just a bad measure to begin with

🔎: how to start a queer socialist commune and make sure it doesn't turn into a cult

Boosts appreciated! :boost_requested:

If you know (or are!) the person who got hold of the domain after it dropped, please message me! Either a DM here, or an e-mail to

I'd like to get in touch with them - there's a couple of folks who want to work with them on bringing the site back up properly(tm).

Reminder: mass layoffs usually trigger a cycle of dysfunction. So, to take a hypothetical example, if an already dysfunctional car company lays off 10-20% of their staff—much of which will be sales staff—odds are that their overall numbers a year from now will be much worse, not better

self hosters and homelab owners be like: "idk it's not that great I mean sure I run a full redundancy kubernetes cluster and everything is automated into detail and I have CI pipelines set up to automatically integrate the latest code into my services 10 seconds after the update got released and all but like, I don't know it's not that professional or anything"

Professional companies with a lot at stake be like: "We are currently experiencing an issue" (cert/DNS expired)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.