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LLMs, dark humour 

The future is search engines and "AI assistants" that are forever stuck in "the web of knowledge as we knew it in 2022" in a desperate attempt to evade LLM garbage, like we're all collectively stuck in some sort of Wayback Machine world and nobody can find the adjustment dial

why in the name of everything that's good and holy would you cut your grass to a few cm when you can have this?

and this is for a week or two. before and after that, you'll see other flowers. it's like netflix for flowers but you don't need to pay. all you need to do is NOT doing something.

trump, disability, fatigue 

stop making me defend Donald Trump with all your shit “wow he fell asleep so incompetent”

I’d absolutely fall asleep at my own trial

Stay criticising him for his crimes, not his bodily functions/appearance/your wild accusations of his potential mental illnesses

One of the best things about the train is included in your ticket price comes a free high speed gallery tour of local artists all using one medium in a thousand different ways to express themselves

I fucking love graffiti for real

Hey #WritingCommunity, you know you can write off all your advertising expenses, all your editors, and all your paid proofreaders, right?

hackernews, kagi 

It's always mind-boggling how little HN commenters seem to understand about topics that they express themselves so confidently about.

"A small company like Kagi is allowed to spend money on silly things, why is everyone so upset about the t-shirts? It's the business owner's choice how to run the business."

Well, maybe because if you market your subscriptions as "help us build a nice thing by paying for it in an incomplete state" and other participatory slogans, people are going to expect to have involvement in the direction of the company...? And for the money to not be spent on unrelated things?

Dark Trails: Bats hunting along a tree line, shortly after sunset, with a new moon visible. It was such a pleasant windless night.
The connected trails are from "common serotinus" ("laatvlieger") and the disconnected path is from the smaller, way faster and more agile "common noctula" ("rossige vleermuis"). The horizontal, spaced (thus fast), blurry, big trail in the photo with the moon, is probably an owl.
I have stereo versions! Leave a comment if you want to see those.

Based on video, no AI.

does anyone know anyone at I need to report a critical security vulnerability.

(Not saying that my arguing shifted the public opinion, rather that's just my time reference point)

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Like, for comparison, with the cryptocurrency grift I'd been arguing against it for like 7 years (ie. since it became a Problem) before I noticed the broader public opinion shifting? Whereas with LLMs and the like it seems to have only taken 2 years or so

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I strongly feel like capitalism has run out of useful things to innovate and there's nothing left tech companies can come up with other than scams

I am cautiously optimistic about how many people are seeing through the AI hype - I've (consciously) been through a few tech hype cycles and I've never seen folks catch on to the grift this quickly before

@joepie91 this is something even larger: it was for example one difference between the Greens and the Pirates in Germany:

- The Greens pay the travel and part of the expenses of representatives elected by district groups to go to country-level meetings.

- The Pirates expected them (in the beginning, I don’t know the current state) to come without payment.

The Pirates were initially surprised why mostly well-off men were present at the larger meetings.

(Ik geef ook altijd aan dat ik op eigen initiatief dingen zoek om financieel te steunen, en ook dat is niet genoeg om ze te laten verdwijnen, want ze willen die verkoopbonus graag hebben...)

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Ook niet heel gek, als je bedenkt dat dit soort werving tegenwoordig uitbesteed wordt aan marketingbedrijfjes die verkopers op provisie-basis op pad sturen... dat zijn al lang geen betrokken vrijwilligers meer.

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Ik ben intussen toch echt wel een beetje klaar met hoe er tegenwoordig aan werving gedaan wordt voor institutionele goede doelen. Het begint ondertussen energieverkoper-vormen aan te nemen qua opdringerigheid. Nee betekent nee, en er hangt niet voor niets een sticker bij de deurbel...

(That last bit is not applicable to Matrix, to be clear)

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Corollary: if you have a governance problem, and you create a Foundation... you now have *two* governance problems, and one of them is the board

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I really wish more people would realize that "non-profit foundations", as a concept, are fundamentally designed for abled white cis men and the personal resources that come with that, and that unless you *very actively* subvert this, that is the bias that you will be perpetuating in any sort of project or group that is governed by one, regardless of what your code of conduct says

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