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FOSS "foundations" in general 

Every time I see some sort of 'Foundation' anywhere in FOSS announce 'representatives' and 'elections' I check whether they have done the work to make the process inclusive, and every. single. time. the answer is "no"

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subtoot, matrix 

No details on how the Foundation intends to materially support socio-economically disadvantaged elected board members, of course...

They only mention that they will seek to accommodate remote participants (which is good!) but nothing about how they will make it possible for people to do the job to begin with (like who pays for travel costs, whether there is financial support, what to expect from the board meetings exactly...)

Parent-child relationships 

"Instead of looking into the causes of this, let's look into how it negatively affects parents so that we can guilt the children"


(Dat wil zeggen, je gaat niet met ze in 'debat', maar je vertelt ze hoe de zaken ervoor staan en dat ze het daar maar mee moeten doen)

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"Het demissionaire kabinet wil miljarden uittrekken voor belangrijke zaken die "niet kunnen wachten". [...] De NOS berichtte gisteravond al over de belangrijkste voornemens: miljarden extra voor Groningen, toeslaggedupeerden en asielopvang. [...] Van Weyenberg laat in een reactie aan de NOS weten dat het kabinet "doet wat nodig is". De Kamer kan dat volgens hem "wel of niet steunen"."

He he. Zou er nou eindelijk iemand zijn die begrijpt hoe je met fascisten omgaat?

me responding to my coworker at the boat webshop:

“that sail has shipped”

Oh and some of the cooler features include unbounded parallelism (without blowing up your resources!), stream forking for distributing values across multiple streams (mirroring, round-robin, latching, custom distribution, etc.)...

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They're also environment-agnostic; they require zero special runtime features (not even ES6 Promises, any A+ implementation is fine!), and are realistically implementable from scratch (and from spec) even in a library-less environment - all you need are a bunch of object literals with 3 functions each that have some defined behaviours, basically - the system as a whole is just emergent from those properties

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(Basically, I am finally getting around to actually writing that specification for my JS streams design - they're streams that don't suck, and that can be parallelized safely, and that have well-defined termination behaviour, and that can interoperate with all existing types of streams, and...)

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i wonder how much having binaries for multiple architectures can help can help #reverseEngineering / #decompilation efforts.

i was thinking of games like The Lost Vikings that have been ported to dozens of systems, and it seems like there's gotta be some useful information in the various binaries. i don't know if they were based on common source code or not, but in any case it seems like you could learn additional constraints form different implementations 🤔.

who decided to call it "suspend-to-memory" and not eepram

Something that has been annoying me for years is how for so many people in the US especially, there seems to be a mental shortcut from "I want to spend my life doing X" to "therefore I should start an X business", with absolutely zero critical introspection about whether that actually makes sense

does anybody have a poster like "avoid ableist language" that I can hang at work? I will pay for one

#Minecraft is popular because it's cocaine for ADHD. That's it. That's the whole story. This is not even a criticism.

"Where am I? Doesn't matter. I built a house. I punched a tree. I dug a hole. What's over there? Oooh, a forest. Ooh, a pig. I built a farm. I found a village. I raised a colony of scholars that teach ancient wisdom. I made my hole deeper. There were diamonds down there. I made a pickaxe. Oops I died. Oh well. What's that obsidian arch? I'll finish it. Oh look, a portal to hell. Oh hey, a desert. I found a tomb. Slenderman is following me. I killed him. I took his eye. I cleaned it with powder from hell. It led me to a portal to space. There's a space dragon. I killed it."

Literally all these things are equivalently important and meaningful in this game.

If we want people to refill reusable bottles, it needs to be easier than buying a bottle of drink. That means a) not needing a bloody app to find where you can get water 2) water taps/fountains in the well walked passages of the station so you can fill as you go past and don't have to detour. iii) not have to ask someone to fill your bottle for you.

Hey nerds I need some #linux help. I got an AMD 5700xt for my parter's desktop/our server and now it is overscanning on our 1650x1080 monitor thru HDMI. I am using opensuse tumbleweed and have the latest AMDGPU drivers, overscan doesn't happen on grub boot screen or bios. boosts appreciated ^-^

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.