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I accidentally searched for "Astrology software" instead of "Astronomy software" and aesthetically I'm obsessed.

homophobia, important 

Please keep an eye out for people trying to brand monkeypox as a "gay disease", explicit or otherwise, and push back hard and early!

I've already started seeing the same kind of "the damn gays fucking everywhere" rhetoric that also popped up during the first years of the AIDS epidemic in the US. That rhetoric was directly responsible for (tens of?) thousands of deaths.

We absolutely *cannot* afford to let homophobes gain control over the public narrative around monkeypox, and let them use it to once again kill queer folks by denying them crucially important healthcare. :boosts_ok_gay:

(Also, all the while trying to avoid all of the usual technical traps that make most (dynamic) website builders completely unscalable/unreliable, by planning out the entire mental/data model for it upfront)

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Today's project: working on my website builder project thing! Specifically, one that is built for personal creativity rather than corporate needs, and that'll hopefully Some Day(tm) be extensible to the point of easily building entirely custom dynamic things for communities... assuming my ADHD ass ever actually gets to that point

🤔 so far Migadu's spam filtering (which I assume is just SpamAssassin?) has been filtering out spam better than GMail has been doing for the past few months or so...

People who moved to Mastodon from Twitter in recent months:

How you feelin about it?

Please don't feel I'm asking you to pledge allegiance or Engage In Discourse
There's an obvious selection bias cause you're still here to read this, anyway.

Just, we've all had the welcome wagon out and the fediverse has been praising itself a lot. But like, I dunno. Curious how it's sitting with y'all on a personal basis

homophobia, important 

Looks like mainstream Dutch media is already starting to perpetuate it with questionable imagery choices:

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Labels are beacons, not fences.

It’s not whether you’re in or out, they’re just milestones by which you set your tent.

Sorry, Curator, but 5 minutes are not enough for combining crosshatching with your interesting prompts (negative space, reflections, texture, whoa). So these are #10MinuteSketch (15' for the lamp). More gained, less stress. But I want to try something shape-based soon. Then 3-4 minutes should suffice.
#CuratorPrompts40 #CuratorPrompts41

remembering zone: between the outside of the locked door of my apartment and five minutes walk away from my building is where I often end up suddenly remembering what I forgot to bring

homophobia, important 

Please keep an eye out for people trying to brand monkeypox as a "gay disease", explicit or otherwise, and push back hard and early!

I've already started seeing the same kind of "the damn gays fucking everywhere" rhetoric that also popped up during the first years of the AIDS epidemic in the US. That rhetoric was directly responsible for (tens of?) thousands of deaths.

We absolutely *cannot* afford to let homophobes gain control over the public narrative around monkeypox, and let them use it to once again kill queer folks by denying them crucially important healthcare. :boosts_ok_gay:

Here is another #article I adapted from my #Autism acceptance week posts. This one talks about the intersection between autism and gender diversity, and includes links to #research. It posted yesterday but I forgot to share D:

Please pop on over to Medium if you want to read :)

#trans #transgender #Queer #ActuallyAutistic #autistic #writing #AmWriting

I had a dream about an Internet forum game where you had to post something worse than what the above poster said. If you couldn't think of something worse you replied with an image that said '100 Parking Spaces'.


this town isn't big enough for the both of us so it looks like we should build more housing and get rid of some restrictive low-density zoning

hey buddy look it's like they say: if you can't handle the heat then just let us know ok and we'll open a window or something because it's really important to us that you feel safe and comfortable in the kitchen ♥️

Testing a pull request to add #Phosh to Mobile #NixOS.

Looks like the #Pinephone finally becomes usable!

If you own a Pinephone, you can test it by downloading the image, copy it do a microSD card and boot from it.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.