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re: drug mention 

@benaryorg Wait. Is that just their way of saying "under influence of", then? I'm no psychoactive substances expert, but I don't know that "intoxicated" is the correct term there...

re: drug mention 

@benaryorg I have to admit I am intrigued by the concept of "intoxicated with cannabis"...

I've spent quite a good while in the company of people smoking a *lot* of the stuff and I can't say I've ever observed anything that could be described as that

LLMs, dark humour 

The future is search engines and "AI assistants" that are forever stuck in "the web of knowledge as we knew it in 2022" in a desperate attempt to evade LLM garbage, like we're all collectively stuck in some sort of Wayback Machine world and nobody can find the adjustment dial

De daadwerkelijke redenen zijn dat a) plastic sorteren geld kost, b) vers plastic goedkoper is dan gerecycled plastic, en c) er onvoldoende is geinvesteerd in recycletechnieken om het rendabel te maken.

Er is meer dan voldoende plastic voorhanden, zoveel zelfs dat het de recycle-capaciteit ver te boven gaat. Het gaat gewoon weer om de winst.

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Zo te zien draait de greenwashing-afdeling bij de Albert Heijn weer op volle toeren, getuige de marketingrotzooi die ik net binnenkrijg... "er is niet genoeg recyclemateriaal voorhanden, daarom zijn niet alle verpakkingen helemaal gerecycled", rot toch op met je leugens

Hey @RWSverkeersinfo waarom staat dit bericht over de afsluiting van de #A7 niet op Mastodon maar wel op #TwitterX ?

Nu hoef ik vandaag toevallig niet over de afsluitdijk, maar ik hoorde via een ander kanaal van een bericht op twitter.

Als hier niet ALLE berichten van de verkeersinfo komen, dan is deze informatiestroom niet betrouwbaar.

#hoezithet ?

Dear furry artists,

Art is a luxury good, produced by those who have invested time in their artistic skills.

Your prices are only "too high" if you're not getting commissions. Charge more.

hey is COVID "gone" or is it "here to stay"? is multiple waves per year "seasonal" or does that just "not count"? are we supposed to "learn to live with it (no Not Like That)" or just "live your best life (no Not Like That)"? i'll keep up the precautions until someone can clarify all this contradiction, thanks

@tfunken is a community fork of Font Awesome, if that's the sort of thing you're looking for - there's also which is an unrelated project

LLMs, dark humour 

The future is search engines and "AI assistants" that are forever stuck in "the web of knowledge as we knew it in 2022" in a desperate attempt to evade LLM garbage, like we're all collectively stuck in some sort of Wayback Machine world and nobody can find the adjustment dial

why in the name of everything that's good and holy would you cut your grass to a few cm when you can have this?

and this is for a week or two. before and after that, you'll see other flowers. it's like netflix for flowers but you don't need to pay. all you need to do is NOT doing something.

trump, disability, fatigue 

stop making me defend Donald Trump with all your shit “wow he fell asleep so incompetent”

I’d absolutely fall asleep at my own trial

Stay criticising him for his crimes, not his bodily functions/appearance/your wild accusations of his potential mental illnesses

One of the best things about the train is included in your ticket price comes a free high speed gallery tour of local artists all using one medium in a thousand different ways to express themselves

I fucking love graffiti for real

Hey #WritingCommunity, you know you can write off all your advertising expenses, all your editors, and all your paid proofreaders, right?

hackernews, kagi 

It's always mind-boggling how little HN commenters seem to understand about topics that they express themselves so confidently about.

"A small company like Kagi is allowed to spend money on silly things, why is everyone so upset about the t-shirts? It's the business owner's choice how to run the business."

Well, maybe because if you market your subscriptions as "help us build a nice thing by paying for it in an incomplete state" and other participatory slogans, people are going to expect to have involvement in the direction of the company...? And for the money to not be spent on unrelated things?

Dark Trails: Bats hunting along a tree line, shortly after sunset, with a new moon visible. It was such a pleasant windless night.
The connected trails are from "common serotinus" ("laatvlieger") and the disconnected path is from the smaller, way faster and more agile "common noctula" ("rossige vleermuis"). The horizontal, spaced (thus fast), blurry, big trail in the photo with the moon, is probably an owl.
I have stereo versions! Leave a comment if you want to see those.

Based on video, no AI.

@hllizi I definitely think the widespread (and fast!) negative externalities play a role, yeah - I also suspect that the complaints from artists in particular have helped a lot with that

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