health, negative 

Yep. Covid has entered the house.

health, negative 

Well, I have a 39 celsius fever now, which is Not Good. It's very likely I caught Covid too, which fucking sucks given that I am immunocompromised.

health, negative-ish 

Test result is in: yep, I've got a COVID infection. Still have a fever, everything hurts, nose is constantly clogged. So far my blood pressure (the main risk factor here) seems to be okay.

Feeling slightly better now than yesterday. Still feel like crap though.

health, negative-ish (2) 

That I tested positive for COVID really wasn't a surprise at all, to be honest; housemate tested positive on a self-test earlier, everyone else had also gotten sick shortly after (though to varying degrees), and there were no other credible sources of infection, so we pretty much already knew.


It's probably a good thing that I updated my COVID vaccination to the latest patch level right before my transplantation...



Feels like I'm coughing out my lungs, but it seems like my fever has fucked off, at least.

Also a pounding headache, but that's probably "just" the tension in my shoulder/neck muscles leaving my body, as that usually results in headaches.

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health, immune system 

If the progress so far is any indication, I'm going to conclude that my immune system is definitely weakened, but it was aggressive enough to begin with that I'm still left with a serviceable amount of disease resistance.

It's taking longer than it usually would to recover from this, but it seems about similar to the more insistent flus and how other people experience them. Though I don't yet know what the long-term consequences will be.

(This is all pretty much as expected; that I have an aggressive immune system was something I already knew, given my history of "being sick for a few hours and that's it" whenever I caught a flu or whatever)

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