Why don't you just use XMPP? 

(Leaving this here as a FAQ since I get this 'question' entirely too often.)

Because every single time I engage in a discussion with an XMPP proponent, it takes less than 5 minutes to get to "XMPP is fine, you just need to adjust your expectations/requirements", and this FOSSbro attitude is *exactly* why I jumped ship from the XMPP community years ago.

Why don't you just use XMPP? 

@joepie91 My reason for dropping XMPP is because the mobile clients kinda suck and hosting a server has been more effort than it was worth (in my experience).

It exists. It works at what it does, but it's not up to my standards as a universal communication protocol and development within the ecosystem is mostly dead.


re: Why don't you just use XMPP? 

@cero I would say that hosting a server was the only part of the experience that I didn't find painful... once I found Prosody, that is, which seemed to be the only thing that Just Worked, and with an actually helpful and welcoming community.

That didn't help with any of the other problems, of course... :/

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