I'm looking for recommendations on e-mail providers! Since Google is axing my free GApps plan soon.

What I'm looking for:
- Support for own domain, including catch-all
- Reasonably priced (single user)
- Good reputation on reliability, deliverability(!), and privacy
- *No* jurisdiction marketing ('we're private because we're in country X')


@joepie91 Been with FastMail for years. Have aliases across a bunch of domains. Separate inboxes cost more money but aliases don't. Support and service is excellent. I also use their included file/static site hosting to host my professional portfolio which is nice.


@s0 Yep, I do actually use Fastmail for my freelance e-mail already, and it works very well. The main problem I have with them for personal e-mail, though, is that they are in Australia... not exactly the safest country from a privacy perspective.

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