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We specialise in Linux infrastructure and clients.

If you're looking to migrate away from Windows, reach out!


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if mozilla is really serious about privacy they should hire the ublock origin creator and make him ceo

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Forest boosted

beware the spells of the InstallShield Wizard

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@epidiah you can almost always insert "to our investors" into those messages with out braking the grammar and improving the clarity.

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Forest boosted

if u take happy pills but ur still depressed?

GABA ghoul

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@SpindleyQ that would explain why I couldn't find any information about permissions, because on the page that explains the way permissions are represented, they never once use the word "permissions"

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If you hate Windows, simply switch to Linux so you can hate Linux instead

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"If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out that's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven't even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound.

"They won't even admit the knife is there."

Happy birthday to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, called Malcom X. In his honour, at least admit the knife is there.

Forest boosted

Creating, yet not possessing.
Working, yet not taking credit.
Work is done, then forgotten.
Therefore it lasts forever.

Laozi, 6th century BCE, talking about open source

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On Saturday, 5/11 and Saturday, 5/18 from 1–4 p.m. we're running a workshop on hosting a website at home! You'll learn to set up an Apache web server on a single-board computer, then you'll configure Dynamic DNS so your site stays online when your IP address changes. We'll have complete kits for sale, or you can bring your own SBC with Ubuntu installed. Registration is required for this one!

Saturday, May 11th:

Saturday, May 18th:

We will be having a little post parade BBQ at Layer Zero (nokomis area), we will have vegan food, lmk if you are interested in coming !

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Please boost and share, contact (651) 278-5849 for the address

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Come see us in the mayday parade in Minneapolis / Saint Paul!

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added a save feature to this morning - users can now click "save" next to any post you'd like, and vore will submit a request to to store the post in question!!

so, all of the posts that you choose to save via vore will remain available indefinitely, even if the original website disappears (which is really common tbh!!)


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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.