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my ublock origin is taking out google tag manager and a couple other requests on that page... I did try it with ublock turned off, and it was still broken..

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Whoah, apparently if you sit on the page for 30 seconds or so, it will eventually load??

Maybe they have rate limited the "free version" of the docs.

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LOL -- I have long been suspicious that caddy's documentation is intentionally terrible and impossible to use in order to funnel more money into their premium support.

Now their documentation is completely gone:

😂 I find this hilarious, even though I know its probably just a mistake

I just submitted my User Operated Internet grant application to NLNet for Greenhouse 🤞🤞 With any luck I can even offer good money to developers interested in helping out soon.

Today I heard from @handle that the next NLNet grant application deadline is in 4 days -- I also learned that this year they have a new category called "User Operated Internet". I got really excited about this because the last time I applied to the NLNet grant program, there wasn't really a good category for my project to fit under. But "User Operated Internet" is perfect!

I spent today throwing up a rough draft of a home page for my project. In the past I have called it Greenhouse, but I am thinking now I'm going to change the name to Server Garden, because the original thing that was going to be called Server Garden is now on hiatus.

Please take a look and let me know what you think! I know it has tons of issues, but I'm still interested to hear what folks think about it:

Whoops, sorry, a bit of a delay getting the stream started today, I didn't test it before going live 💀 it should be working now

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Music today: 🎸🥁 Sleater-Kinney 👩🏻✊🏻 Working on for-fun social media app project.

Stop by and say hi!

my favorite co-host decided to join me today. he blends into my shirt lol

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.