Software ina nutshell
this is a Nazca ceramic vessel from the ica region of Peru made anywhere between 200 bce and 600 ce but don't you feel like you could log on to any website today and see this face as someone's avatar. pre-Columbian rantsona
The @internetarchive’s Wayback Machine resumed in a provisional, read-only manner.
Sorry, no Save Page Now yet.
Safe to resume but might need further maintenance, in which case it will be suspended again.
Please be gentle
More as it happens.
Are you working on a project to make our internet more resilient/secure/human-centered/inclusive/better/.../?
You could consider applying for funding.
We currently have 5 calls open:
NGI0 Core: Internet architecture
NGI0 Commons Fund: Reclaim the public nature of the internet
NGI TALER: Privacy-preserving digital payments
NGI MobiFree: More ethical and human mobile software
NGI Fediversity: Creating the hosting stack of the future
Deadline Oct 1
Blog post about my 1st home electronics repair project
did you know: CVE stands for Curriculum Vitae Enhancer
> Fracus & Darwin - (End Of) Summer Mixtape 2024
Excited to share
A website archiving the first two sessions of Solidarity Infrastructures, a class at The School For Poetic Computation looking at and experimenting with analog and digital infrastructures in various forms.
The first two sessions technically focused on working with Yunohost, but many participants also branched out in totally different directions, from setting up a mesh network to a community fridge, to a forum about foxes.
It looks like tusky has a bug where the attached media images don't "wrap", they go off the right of the display and I can't click on them to add alt text. So I can only add three images at once.
Even tho this board is very large and has big components, it still felt cramped and I had to clean up my solder joints multiple times to make sure I didn't have any short circuits.
I am a web technologist who is interested in supporting and building enjoyable ways for individuals, organizations, and communities to set up and maintain their own server infrastructure, including the hardware part.
I am currently working full time as an SRE 😫, but I am also heavily involved with Cyberia Computer Club and Layer Zero