I just had an idea when I woke up this morning, I was thinking about how owncast can be configured to upload the HLS segments to object storage. What if the entire app, including all of the user facing static content & user facing api responses could be uploaded too? Then the only thing missing would be the chat, and I know there would be ways to fix that.
Another idea I had was what if owncast could be run in "frontend" and "backend" mode, when its run in frontend mode its just a static file server + the chat, when its run in "backend mode" it's just encoding HLS segments and uploading them to the frontend.
@gabek according to caniuse this browser feature is on 92% of all clients today: https://caniuse.com/es6-module
@gabek Hey I did some 1st impression load time tests with owncast frontend app, testing pre-loading the JS modules via <script type="module" src="..."> tags. The 1st test with HTTP/1.1 took about 10 seconds regardless of whether the script tags were there or not:
But watch what happens when you turn on HTTP/2:
I am a web technologist who is interested in supporting and building enjoyable ways for individuals, organizations, and communities to set up and maintain their own server infrastructure, including the hardware part.
I am currently working full time as an SRE 😫, but I am also heavily involved with Cyberia Computer Club and Layer Zero