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I wonder if they would still use jimbo wales' picture and name in wikipedia fundraising drives if more people knew he was also the guy who created wikia/

@rcktslc it will be a direct alternative when someone makes a fork with a search that works

(By works I means doesn't require the exact thing you are searching for to have been manually added first by the person searching)

@h Is that a bad thing? It used to be you had to know all this stuff just to access the internet. Now you need to know less and less to publish to the internet (in the own-the-printing-press sense)

@cadey really cool! I made my own one of these too, originally it was used as antispam for forms (origanally i had called it a captcha) but I started using it to protect against indexer bots too, in a different context.

Here's a demo:

Also, about the JS requirement. I haven't "upstreamed" this into the pow-bot-deterrent package yet but when I ran into spam issues with the login page, I had to do something for js-free users (or just people who have webworkers disabled n stuff).

Eventually I settled on just asking them to send an email to a specific address. Then there's a separate process which stays connected to the mailbox over IMAP and waits for messages. Then when it gets one it returns a blocking http call, so the user can log in right away.

The code is a mess cuz I made it in a hurry but:

Just saw this and wanted to share my experience w/ this kinda thing, its v. cool, I really don't like google captcha / cloudflare

@firewally hey long time no see.

what's your reg policy for I heard some ppl say they might interested in trying pixelfed

How to fix your utility company's broken billing portal using the web browser developer tools

@sigmasternchen because they were designed to work like C packages, which were designed in an era when a 5mb hard drive was $1000 😢

@aaron lol, nice, one time I tried to do this on our git server by returning 4mb of text at ~10 bytes per second... It was all fun and games until it started mistaking human users for bots 😔

Sounds like you've solved that by letting the bots out themselves and trap themselves by navigating too deeply into a nonsense area that's separate from the actual site...?

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tried to restore an ipod and it wasn’t appearing at all on a modern mac so i had to try the old macbook. my backlight is busted but im thinking so different rn

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PSA: if you're on a mega-instance like and want to move to a better instance but you don't want to leave your history behind, I will personally help you run my SQL script that loads your account export into a gotosocial database

@hisaac what's your take on this?

Basically "shell is great, but if you love shell, stick to the POSIX spec and a lot of problems that make shell scripting not great will go away"

But also "only use shell for things that its good at. For everything else, there's python3 and its stdlib (or whatever else floats your boat)"

@Canageek @nolan
Yes and no. LineageOS has a great list of all the supported devices, but they're all listed with their code names. So there's a little bit of cross-referencing that you have to do. But they do have a great list.


> people who run accounts

So, they are interested in publishing as part of some multi-platform online personality that they are or represent, right? I.e. they don't care about following, only about publishing..

You can tell them this. Activity Pub is kind of like email. When you send email, there's no guarantee that it will be delivered. It might be blocked for some reason.

With email, that typically means if you want to send email, you have to use a professional email sending service. Because a lot of people, for example, people who use Microsoft email will not receive any emails from any domains that are not on Microsoft's allow list and getting on Microsoft's allow list is out of reach for most people who run their own email servers.

However, the relationship is inside out when you look at the Fedi network today. Instead of only messages from big instances being allowed, typically it's more like sometimes messages from big instances are blocked because people don't like them. Most of the mastodon federation tools only allow granularity for blocking based on the instances domain name. That makes sense because if you just block one bad actor on an instance that refuses to moderate adequately or an instance that has open registration, then that person can just create a new account on the same instance and resume their harassment or whatever.

If these people are running accounts for like a brand or any sort of big established thing, the norm is that they would actually run their own instance specifically for that account. Running mastodon itself is probably the most compatible. However, it does use a lot of resources and it's kind of inefficient. There's another server impl called GoToSocial that's much more cpu efficient and it would be cheaper to operate, potentially easier as well.

If it's more like a small community page or a meme page or something, I suppose they could get on someone else's instance... The smaller it is, the more likely that their posts will reach everyone who's interested. However, keep in mind when you join a small instance and then you attract thousands of followers that may actually increase the amount of money that that instance operator has to pay in order to keep their thing running.

In terms of message visibility, Everyone who sees your posts is going to see a different comment thread because every server has different rules about what domains are blocked. So if someone from hackyderm comments on SBI's post, I won't see it by default because my instance does not federate with hackyderm.

If they go to someone else's instance, this would go for replies on their posts as well. They would be subjected to whatever rules their instance has. Which is probably a good thing in terms of harassment, but it can also be a bad thing if you miss a comment that maybe you didn't want to miss.

This is why publishers, posters, brands and meme lords tend to operate their own servers because then they get to choose what messages they see.

I'm sure someone else could explain this better, but I don't know if any links off the top of my head.

@sbi I don't think there's any sort of one-size-fits-all guide that could be written besides... "Expect to be extremely disappointed at first"

For example, what is this person's use case? Do they want to connect with their friends? Are their friends also looking to join Fedi? Or do they care about news more than personal relationships?

here are a couple good things:

1. Find people to follow "parasocially" by being notified of profiles of people who operate sites you visit

2. I always thought this (albiet very long) was a reasonable intro:

Also, maybe this is just me, but I would never recommend someone to join Fedi unless I was running the instance that they would join myself or I had a friend whose instance I would be comfortable recommending to them and where I know that my friend would be okay with them joining that instance.

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Your IP address will change. So you need dynamic DNS.

Your DNS will expire if you don't pay for it.

Your disk can fill up and have no more space to write.

The SSD will also wear out eventually, proportional to how much you write to it. Usually this comes from stuff like web servers that log requests combined with AI scrapers and search indexers that sometimes go nuts and send an unbounded # of requests.

You can check the health status of the disk with the `smartmontools` package `smartctl` command. Look for where it says "remaining lifetime %" or "wearout indicator %" or something like that.

But AFAIK, besides those things, death from old age is incredibly rare for computers. Most just keep on running long after they become obsolete (costs more to pay for electricity to run it than it would cost to get a new one that does the same job and uses less electricity)

Altho, who knows what will happen in the future -- we may have hit some sorta fundamental limits in terms of energy efficiency of computers.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.