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Maybe if you run it along the seam between the ceiling and the wall it wont stick out as much?

Another option would be to just embrace it and make a coool pattern with it or something.

Ethernet is so much better than trying to use wifi, I hope your partner understands.

Other options include drilling thru the walls and patching up the holes before you move out, or finding someone else who understands your desire for reliable low latency connections, who loves you more than they love wall aesthetics

@technomancy yeah I had same experience with aws signature v4.

Basically the only way to get shit like this working is by starting from a known working implementation and using it to construct a test case that includes checkpoints at various steps in the process so you can get those helpful error messages that the real implementation can't give you

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huh. has been having performance issues. after some examination with @forestjohnson, we realized that a particular feed was tripping it up:

i've removed it from vore for now, but haven't figured out what's so unique about the feed that it chokes my rss library up. something cyclical i think??

anyway!! vore should now be lightning fast.

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Co-op Computer

""Co-operative Computer is an offering by Autonomic Co-operative to help people divest from corporate clouds and the surveillance capitalist ecosystem.

We provide dGaaS (De-Googling as a Service). No ads. No data mining. Don’t like it? Change it! Come and participate in the decision making processes instead of having stuff forced on you by a corporation.

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i still think this is the funniest block reason my school has ever set

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The Fediverse has a Twitch-style live streaming and chat platform @owncast:


You can follow OwnCast accounts from Mastodon etc, streams will post in your timeline when going live. Some accounts to follow:

You can use your Mastodon etc account to verify your identity in OwnCast streams' chat.

Anyone can make an OwnCast server, though at moment it requires some tech skill (more info at

#FediTips #Twitch #Alternatives

In case you ever have embroidery problems I've archived this web page which has lots of helpful tips

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General Tso outranks Colonel Sanders, so it makes sense his chicken tastes better

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"Selfhosted Infrastructure Any%" – a Co-op Cloud deployment speedrun attempt – coming up in just under 2 hours @ 20:30 (8:30pm) UTC on

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.