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The Fediverse has a Twitch-style live streaming and chat platform @owncast:


You can follow OwnCast accounts from Mastodon etc, streams will post in your timeline when going live. Some accounts to follow:

You can use your Mastodon etc account to verify your identity in OwnCast streams' chat.

Anyone can make an OwnCast server, though at moment it requires some tech skill (more info at

#FediTips #Twitch #Alternatives

In case you ever have embroidery problems I've archived this web page which has lots of helpful tips

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General Tso outranks Colonel Sanders, so it makes sense his chicken tastes better

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"Selfhosted Infrastructure Any%" – a Co-op Cloud deployment speedrun attempt – coming up in just under 2 hours @ 20:30 (8:30pm) UTC on

@gabek Facebook, Comcast, twitter, the list goes on lol.....

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Old graffiti I saw in Berlin.

The german translates to "More MDMA is the solution!"

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Cruisin' for a Bruisin' ???


Don you meant Sticklin for a Picklin????!?!??!

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@interfluidity I am going to trick you into thinking my ui is "low quality" when its actually good. Indie devs already do this. The struggle never ends

@reese tate says

INRI I never redeem ixpired

He is saved!!! (Over 20%)

@jonny I feel like there is a 99% chance this is fake

Just wanted to share this, these are my $15 monoprice headphones which I bought in ~2014. They have an 1/8th inch audio cable jack instead of an integrated cable. Both sides of the plastic structure have snapped and been repaired with superglue. The speaker cones inside the headphones have come loose and been repaired. The cable has been replaced.

Today I finally lay these headphones down to rest. I detached my Antlion Audio magnetic mic mount from them and re attached it to a new pair of headphones. RIP.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.