@thufie i think it's right to be upset at that tbh it's not a technical bloat issue that requires Extra Work to mitigate, it's just capitalism making vendors make decisions that are not in the interest of the end user

@charlotte @thufie

:1000: I feel like way too often ppl conflate

"the big heavy bloat of the web / can't make a new web browser"


"the corporate takeover of the web / panopticon platform centralization"

They are totally not the same thing!

In my opinion the last ghost of a chance of a decentralized internet depends heavily on some of the "worst offender" bloat features in web browsers, like ServiceWorker, the local caches and databases, and connectivity enablers like WebSocket / WebRTC

Reason being that if the majority of browsers support these, it could make self-hosting and community hosting web platforms and content way easier


@charlotte @thufie

The bloat is just legacy.. Its alll legacy. its just like email. Well. err. Thank god its not as bad as email 😅

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