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(open source) development can be super draining, but when you do get some positivity sometimes it's great

what if the gotosocial drone CI had an additional hamster to run all these tests

and can someone from pleroma or akkoma report this status so I can test if federated reports from those instance types work? thank you!

can someone from a misskey or calckey instance report this status please? for testing

imagine actively having to think of posts, imagine not having a million cursed things floating around in your brain that you just need to write down or they will reverberate and echo forever and ever in your brain

I probably won't manage to make anything new for #goblinWeek this year but I will take the opportunity to share the collage poem I made last year, since it is still one of my favorite things I've made

#collage #poem

Ivory the subscription-based fediverse app, or ivory the material used in colonial status objects?
(While I'm here: Pay your admins)

im so bad at ignoring support requests i dont want to deal with...

@f0x there's a deceitful individual within our ranks BRO. Theirs is SO MUCH OPPORTUNITY to try and experiment with new shit!

This is a time for imagination and creativity.

I'm confused when devs claim that you can't experiment with software on the fediverse. I have spent the last 5 years of my life building experimental software on the fediverse, and people have been very supportive!

There is a MASSIVE design space for weird ideas that are not just dressed-up surveillance capitalism, but so many devs come here saying "I will try out some dressed-up surveillance capitalism" and then act like their genius design thinking is being stymied when people say "fuck off"

closed beta (you hack into my computer and run the software i haven't pushed to git yet)

So development is picking up again, with the impending release of #TheBadSpace and then back to #Fipamo so I can FINALLY work to get it out of beta.

All in all, I'm excited about the direction in both of those projects because one will be a big step forward for safety in the fedi, and the other is going to be a fresh idea on how we can leverage this space for a different kind of experience. Personally, I'm pumped about the thought of exploring new ways to engage, and it's going to be fun trying and seeing what works.

I've been fortunate to have a community of supporters that have contributed to keeping the development of these projects running. If you've been following me for a while, you know a goal of mine is to be able to do this full work time, spending my days building better tools and, LOL, fussing with everyone about the details. That would be a thin slice of fried gold for me.

For now, my primary funding source is
Patreon, which has been keeping the lights on for my projects for a couple of years. It's the easiest way to pitch in a couple of bucks a month, enabling me to spend more time working, with the idea it will gain enough support to allow me to work full-time.

For folk that wants to give one-offs (which would really help at the moment because the tech industry is YIKES right now), I use
PayPal and CashApp.

The recent influx of so many new people in the fedi has reinforced my goal of wanting to spend the majority of my time creating better stuff for this space. There is such an opportunity to create an entirely new communication paradigm.

Ha, I'm not sure how I will do it, but I will figure it out. Because here is where I want to be.

a very special fuck you to all open source projects who put their release notes, change logs, etc. in HTML but inside a preformatted block

different window sizes exist

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.