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Whatever safety feature you think you've thought of for Mastodon, we thought of it 5 years ago and gargel said no.

Whatever moderation you think is happening, it's not unless by unpaid labor. No one who wants it can afford proper safety.

Everyone running shit is wildly unqualified. Everyone who should be running shit has been harassed away or had their will to care beaten out of them.

Unless you know your admin personally, you are in for a bad time.

love and kisses

weird as hell, usually i have some idea for UI design right away (bad or not, at least an idea).

my mind is completely blanking

:garfield:​ if you think about it, having a wife is kind of like a Monday, but all week every week

damn who designed this crusty ass interface

(me from a few weeks ago)

sometimes all you need is keanu reeves picking you up from the garbage pile telling you we have a city to burn

Also re-sharing:

I am working on a Data Protection/Privacy Guide for Instance Admins of Masto/Fedi services modeled after the #GDPR, but many of these considerations apply across other jurisdictions' #privacy laws.

I also have a Privacy Notice Template that others can reference:

Have a look, and I welcome any/all comments, good or bad:

Now on Codeberg!

@fedisearch that's not sufficient mate. Until you make your service entirely opt-*IN*, per user, you are not gaining consent sufficient to meet GDPR rules or other ethical frameworks. piss off with this idea. it's not new and we continue to not want it.

youtube music changed their icons for no reason and now they're fucked up thin, who signed off on this

i stopped listening for now at 'Too Sad' which is very very fitting

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.