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taking your vitamin pills with alc

sui mention (as word) 

so why the fuck is that big channel with alright indie electronic music stuff called 'suicide sheep', like wtf


will i keep making this till i never want to eat it ever again? yes!

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started on the dutch hackerspaces mailinglist, so now all the irc channels start talking about it one by one lol

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bad take on the federated timeline, look away, look back, toot gone

The IRC community is contractually obligated to lose their collective shit over Matrix every once in a while; and they are unable to do so without bringing a lot of yikesy ableist/elitist takes into it

want to get new milk foamer but the coffee store closes in 38 minutes ughh

going to bed is just the process of going to smaller and smaller screens (desktop, laptop, phone)

"We didn't realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.