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realizing that im going to visit a kitten tomorrow so i should definitely bring the wider lens too

getting new cutlery/dinnerware is way nicer than it has any right to

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eating my last burrito from the batch now :(

signs you're making too many good posts:

rando's sending random followrequests with complete disregard for who you are

is it a bird? is it a plane? nah it's my poor drawing skills

Some upcoming pixietown downtime coming from one of the hosting providers; Gitea is the only service directly affected (backups too but they'll just run later)

Downtime on Monday, 15 - 45 minutes as servers get moved between floors
Downtime on Tuesday, 1 - 2 hours as the block storage is moved
Downtime near the end of the month, 10 - 15 minutes as router gets moved

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.