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I wrote a pretty decent auto-tree farm though, programming your own turtles/robots is so much more satisfying than automagic farm machines

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doing OpenComputers stuff and Lua is... painfull

electricity moving from positive to negative but the electrons moving from negative to positive is the same deal as raytracing going from eye to light while photons go from light to eye

yikes, the printing service requires you to enter your student username + full password on a shitty touchscreen on the printer :|

aw.. the boinky spunge 😋 crinkly doo 🤗 the shronkle scrimblo 🙂

with proper fades, just that step up from making playlists

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fuck it im going to have one (1) nice beer

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so my friends have a nintendo switch that they're willing to give to me because it was banned from online services (before they got it, they thought they were getting a deal but it was just cheap because it was console banned)

anyway, i read that a motherboard replacement will wipe the console ban but does anyone have any experience actually swapping a switch motherboard ? can you actually trust any vendors to sell you a real one ?


it's been 1.5 week where I don't drink anything during the week, only on the Saturday. But tbh I don't think I notice much difference

covid vax 

It's easy to google but on a different govt site and like, why not have it there...

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covid vax 

go through the online wizard to make an appointment for my second jab... at the end it tells me I have to call instead (because I already have 1). WITHOUT LISTING THE NUMBER

i sooo need a nap.. class is almost over luckily

covid 🙄 

if you're constantly coughing maybe don't come to class where people don't wear masks and don't keep distance : |

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