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Anyone ever tell you bicycles don't grow on trees? Well in the Netherlands they do!

me: posts things people don't want to interact with

me: hm why no interaction

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i legit can't tell if it's actual mastodon interaction fluctuating or my mh fluctuating or the latter causing the first

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it's been a real "just screaming into the void" past kinda days huh

ugh i really want to proceed with the api prototyping for Shayu v2 but brain don't work (and that's okay, but it's still meh, ya know)

Someone I know has been tasked with selecting an anarchist text by someone who is not white and not male, any suggestions?

also smh the secondhand lens seller left me on read

smh i get these spam emails with subject 'Web Design' and every time im like, ooh, someone wants to hire me, but then it's spam from them trying to sell their services...

ahh holy fucking shit this backpack promo he mentioned the cube organization system and i had a physical reaction that's exactly what I want/need aaaaa

ok so I know some basics now but like, I really shouldn't get yet another project hobby and especially not such an expensive one, but maybe I'll experiment with some software versions if I can find anything good (not that im rather musical either)

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