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hmm and somehow my server has found it's way to my bed again, must be real sleepy

ok so i don't know how good this is for the case, But: the server case has a very nice crossbeam so I can easily lift it with one hand carrying it room to room, portability!! :D

uni, mh 

ugh i kinda have to work on this uni thing today but i just hit a brick wall of demotivation, so, oof

maybe will do the drawing practice now i mostly skipped on friday

it's rather broken up but i want to be able to do snap turns like that again hah

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looking at my old quadcopter videos I really need to up my control-rates a bit more again

ph + 

after going outside for a bit my neck is doing a lot better

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covid rel anxiety 

every time someone in this household coughs i get this burst of anxiety, and let me tell you, these people cough a lot

when will my mental health come back from the war

ph - 

my neck is like, fucked up again, and it's causing strain + headache-y feelings :|

looking at you, "milk drink with 0.00000001% coffee extract"

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if your coffee product doesn't warn that it's not suitable for pregnant people i dont want it

it feels like it should be warm enough to wear shorts, I'd love to wear shorts again

3d, this board is rather bare, just ESP32, reset button, voltage regulator and power-on led. but all the gpio's are broken out, and it has the Focks Header (tm) on the bottom for the USB-C subsystem

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this will get interchangable USB-C {power-only, serial, LiPo} shields to use in different stages of development, without commiting any them to the board like an all-in-one devboard

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i mean same for ENIG tbh, that's also ~16 euros (castellated 30+)

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.