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i mean same for ENIG tbh, that's also ~16 euros (castellated 30+)

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biggest oof, again, is castellated holes would absolutely be best for modules like this, but too darn expensive

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coincidentally, in DIY machining CNC also means Crocs N Crocs

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when talking about hackers, C&C actually stands for Crocs&Crocs, they wear them during ops

what the fuck, compose key has shortcuts for numbers inside circles from ⓪ to ㊾ but stops there, where's my (69)

like the ESP32 could have a usb-c serial module during dev and when you build it in somewhere you swap it out for just a power module (or a power module with lipo)

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what if i actually put my designer brain to work and designed interlinking (pre-soldered) pcb modules for
- ESP32
- LiPo
- Serial
so all could be used either temporarily in dev-stacks or soldered together

also blue soldermask is definitely out of the question, they only do that for 30 panels Oofe

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but maybe I just need smaller scale, go to 10 or so (CP2104 still about twice as expensive)..

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meh, want to redesign my usb-cereal to be fully SMT-able, so i can get a decent sized batch and actually use them (also with mating footprint on other boards for flashing)

Current design has a CP2104 which is a 'better' serial chip, but rather expensive compared with CH340c; (0.2616 × 50) + 2.47 = 15.55 and
CP2104 is 0.9128 × 50 = 45.64

like, there's an iframe script that does have easy calls for number of participants, but depends on well, a browser
and there's a low-level-api which sucks

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another day, another (video) call platform for the hackerspace, another API to scrape/create rogue implementation for so we can publish connection count on MQTT (so far done Mumble and BBB, now Jitsi)


lol the ice coffee's i drink way too often has a red 'E' on the 'nutri-score'

noise in videocalls 

aaaa fix your micccc either it's their fan or someone is vacuum cleaning but it fucking sucks

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