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need a push to talk key that also toggles the little space heater because it's so noisy

fuckin group project supposedly starting at 9 this sucks its waaaaay too cold to get out of bed


should find/fix the dvr as well, in flight footage is much cooler than static view

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on 2s this thing rips, just need to figure out better throttle compensation for 1s (it supports both)

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might add some kinda distance sensor so it goes on/off automatically when i sit at my desk, that'd be cool

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go to profile of someone being a shithead

top toot is boosting a kiwifarms user


also emailed teacher why he still hasn't updated my grade. today is productive (tm)

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uni, mh? 

so, meeting done
- i should really follow up on adhd
- yeah there's help available i suppose

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it's no tilt, but I added a smol ledstrip under the monitor and it's sooo pretty

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it's so nice in daylight (or what passes as that currently...) as well

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