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"I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me" but instead of being a kink or a sexuality it's an elder god

i continued listening to this DnD podcast, it's way too funny

Dungeons and Daddies
"Not a BDSM podcast!"

time to listen to horribly grim music and not get anything done

especially """"hacker"""" techbros

can i get a fuck techbros in the chat

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if i discover a skill i need to be able to do it yesterday

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you see the teacher create these works of art, try follow along and end up with absolute trash, and UGH

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Synapse Security update 1.19.2.

All federating instances should upgrade to 1.19.2 immediately. Those on a 1.20.0 release candidate should upgrade to 1.20.0rc4.

the perspective drawing classes are cool but oh so tiring

i understand the techniques pretty well now but still can't draw for shit, i know it comes with practice but it's hugely demotivating when all that comes out is pretty shit

fuck fuck why do i feel so much hype aaa calm down

veery tempted to open kicad and start producing these but that probably bypasses the actual design cycle for the rest of the group a bit too much :')

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also yes the prototype looks like a bomb
the segments allow you to keep track of a row + spot number that most station bicycle racks use :3

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just presented my uni design thingie
teacher asked as extra question at the end "who would like to have this product"
and loots of people raised their hands :D

it's a thing to help find your bicycle in crowded (station) parking spots, so a very Dutch problem to have :P

"science will lose its moral highground if they go into politics"


ffs zoom did *something* and now there's this ghost window artefact that appears on all workspaces....

and also can't (x)kill it because it doesn't get focus..

aahhh so nice, the Noisia goobye tour I have a ticket for was postponed again :D

original date was 04-04-2020, then moved to 16-10-2020 and now 03-04-2021

Would've sucked to miss it this october because i don't think it's safe yet

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.