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today started well but now all my attention had to go to
- fixing irc bridge stuff after someone broke it HARD
- fixing my arch after everything decided to break with 'error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'


well stuffs compiling, today is the day I'll try (and by extension: Wayland)

had to basically lie down on the sidewalk but the shot was soo worth it

any good rgb led project has rainbows

and any good project has rgb leds

made a nice Mumble indicator with my M5Stack, which is an incredibly adorable ESP32 with 5x5 rgb leds, ir transmitter, pushbutton in the screen, accelerometer, all in a nice package.

It pings the mumble server for connected user count, and displays it in a fading rgb animation, made the font myself too :D

I need my 3 braincells to have a standup meeting and get the fuck to work

like, there's so much of my software/workflows that'd need replacing/updating...

also not a fan of how much involvement a certain sir has..

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hmm, want to try out hikari (as a replacement for my current bspwm setup), but the bigger challenge is switching to wayland really

I guess that's technically subtooting but don't really feel like bursting into a necroboosted toot from august '19 lol

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heh, I absolutely love how incredibly thin my phone is, everytime I remove it's case I am in awe again

and for anything with peripherals etc, I have a chonkpad so

static site generator question:
if you have both and project/

what should take precedence?
either of those alone would output to /project/index.html


look at this man absolutely vibin in his kitchen giving a great set to 6.4k viewers/listeners

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I had it paused during dinner (oof family) so am an hour behind the stream; but Fred V's set is soooo good

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