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newage bullshit, parents --- 

Im so fucking fed up with this garbage, latest trend seems to be "earthing" and im saddened it's not completely fucking obvious they're just trying to scam gullible boomers from looking at literally anything they write

it's very weird to have a thing im looking forward to, and a deadline on the same date.
"oh is it almost", no, not yet :(, "ah but that means there's time for the deadline" :)

caffeine, blursed garfield ec in picture 

Just made my very last cup of IKEA coffee :((((((

it's going to be either club-mates or *shivers* instant coffee till monday

whoo the whole of Wix is 502'ing
their own site, editor, (paying) customer sites

complaining about Gnucash garbage UX 

thing I hate the most about gnucash: misclick a transaction just the right way? let's scroll all the way to the top!

second worst is reports having USD as their default currency, regardless of the currency your whole document is set to...
so anytime you want a report you have to go edit > report options, open the report's currency list, which doesn't support just typing the (starting) letter, so need to scroll all the way to EUR

i hate* ebooks bots because I will start reading their boosted posts without realizing and then my brain tries to frantically make sense of whatever it says

* i mean, eh

every time I use 'xkill' im terrified, because if it decided I didn't actually hit a window, it just kills the whole xorg session...

@goat I think while I type and post before I can process ding bloop WAHOO :mario_flop:

I went to record a quick explanation for someone with this incredibly janky overhead camera setup, but it worked really well (except the video is upside down lole)

no covid lockdown, isolation, + 

wow, we're getting stricter rules and enforcement, but at least not a total lockdown.
So really nothing I haven't been following already anyways

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covid lockdown, isolation, mh -- 

ah yes, as it all comes crumbling down at least there's a random person from the federated TL to reply 'lockdown good actually'

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covid lockdown, isolation, mh -- 

hearing more and more rumours that we might get into a forced lockdown as well tonight/tomorrow...
these are going to be very bad times

I need fully automated luxury gay space communism so I can play minecraft all day tbh

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