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I'm now turning this into a pcb module, starting with the schematic.
Adding USB-C wew

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so the bicycle parking where my second bike is has a maximum stay of 2 weeks (which they actually enforce, I had to pay to get my bike back once already). I don't visit there too often anymore though, so today I took the train there, moved my bike to a different spot, and got the train back, with 3 minutes in between trains :D

and here's the schematic, the TP4056 is a great simple chip. I used 2.2K ohm for Rprog, but with 1.2K it will charge the fastest (1A)

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so tonight I did my first real SMD soldering, on a pretty challenging chip :D

I desoldered the TP4056 ic from a dead SHA2017 badge, then made everything work on the smd-protoboard of the eth0 badge.
Great fun learning to do tiny soldering, and getting used to working under a microscope

It charges a single-cell lipo, and gives the charging status over a wire, something the prebuilt modules can't (they connect it to an onboard led instead).

Next up will be adding a voltage divider to get a battery voltage reading, and throwing this all into kicad (also a first for me)

@tom if you want to kick my shins, I can get the footstool so that you can reach

"Elon has only mitigated a fraction of his company's massive carbon footprint. But I guess this blatant PR campaign was always destined to play well with redditors."

@nimblejack @alexis @DissidentKitty have you ever read Édouard Siddon's classic argument in "Against America"? It really thoroughly debunks these myths you're spouting

Had some time to work on again, my static site generator.
JSX templates, different flavours of frontmatter and a basic sitewide config file

Definitely needs a bunch of refactoring now that I'm more clear on the project's heading, but features are working :D

this is incredible, such amazing filmmaking and fight choreography
it's a My Hero Academia spinoff, by a guy who worked on a ton of big movies

no context hot take 

biting is good actually

subtooting a bunch of companies 

"We are apolitical and therefore allow nazis to use our platform" is an extremely political statement.

Hi Mastodon! It's been a while 👋 A few months ago I was asking for Blender tips and tutorials on here, and I'm happy to report that I've actually made progress! I recently completed this 3D botanical plate for a Sketchfab challenge and I'm really happy with it. Thank you for everyone who provided advice and encouragement at the time, I'm looking forward to getting better in 3D 😀
Here's the link to the model:
#blender #3d #b3d #mushrooms #3dart

veg food 

peanut butter sandwiches with sliced banana are my new fav snack

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