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An upgraded Confederate monument 

This is the best statue upgrade I've seen yet! Sorry, I don't know where it is.

fuck having a really bad cold and my throat hurts aaaaaa

extinction rebellion, climate, police 

So apparently XR people are now asked to write letters to cops detailing planned action to cops.

At this point I kind of believe extinction rebellion is a coup by the climate destroyers to get rid of as many climate activists as possible and prevent further action.

This does not only endanger those who do it but everyone else at the action as well.

Every time you think: "But what about all the good things he did", consider: "What about all the people and potentially great contributions we lost because of him."

#RMS #FreeSoftware

We don't need leaders any more. We never did. dug a bit further, those hover animations and that tiling background+gradient is amazing

Show thread I quite like! I should really get a cute splashscreen like that for :3

This droplet was paid fully with the 50$ student credit github gives you, and it made me realize how much nicer (and cheaper!) Hetzner really is for these services :3

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SMH why is Wireguard not in the raspbian repos yet.
Having to pull kernel modules from a debian repo instead seems a bit sketchy

"bitcoin is converting capitalism directly into climate change" - Harald Lesch

very useful while trying wallpapers, with pywal:

open terminals with the programs you normally use, that are influenced by pywal live (alacritty in my case)

Then run this in your wallpaper folder:

feh -Z -F --action1 ";feh --bg-scale %F; wal -i %F"

It'll get a slideshow from all images in the current folder, and whenever you press '1' it'll set that wallpaper, and run pywal with it as an argument. Then you can see how it looks with the windows you opened previously :3

[video coming soon in a reply]

just fell over in the toilet, this is the fifth time I have had to call emergency services. that’s right ladies and gentlemen...

it’s ambo no.5

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