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Kobolds would be very good in space:

small to fit in crevice
tail for holding things
naturally good at fixing and breaking things
yip yip
pack creatures so they don't mind being squished with a lot of other Kobolds
there's rocks in space
spaceship is kind of dragon (big, breathes fire)


survived first half, hard to not tie every question back to adhd stuff lol, now have to wait about 20 minutes while they discuss with someone else

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damn i should egg-fry rice more often

also Mosh has an open PR for OSC 52 clipboard updates support since 2019... so back to eternal-terminal for the shell persistence I think, if I need it at all

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one issue with sharing terminals between my desktop and Framework is the differing aspect ratio, resulting in some wasted space on the 3:2 :\

also major foss points for reacting positively to my request to clarify some links in the readme!
many a project would've laughed it off I think

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trying out Zellij, a new Termux-like thingie.

Seems to run well inside mosh and eternal-terminal too, for persistent remote sessions

best thing about internal networks and ipv6 is you can give yourself funny ip's like 1312 and 69

food, mutual aid provisioning 

Als iemand in de regio Utrecht eten of andere levensmiddelen nodig heeft, we hebben altijd meer dan genoeg en kunnen anders dingen voor je regelen. Kom dus gerust langs of stuur een berichtje, dan komt dat goed.

If anyone in the Utrecht region needs food or other groceries, we always have more than enough and can get you most other things. So swing by or send a message, we'll take care of it.

What happens if you feed the GPS data from the handlebar camera into World-o-Techno? Wonderful generative sound track for biking to #MCH2022:

best thing about internal networks and ipv6 is you can give yourself funny ip's like 1312 and 69


starting to wonder if maybe i did pick up covid, just not transmittable/selftestable because i've been super tired for days, and sometimes headachy too

or maybe just overexerted with week scouting camp + 2 weeks event organizing and only now recovering?

i really want a big big floppy witches hat

keeping up to date on all the new technologies, not for marketability reasons but so i can shitpost more effectively

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