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once again asking follow requesters to read the first line of my damn bio

drawing tablet to take programming notes; the luxury

overall they're much less washed out, and especially with the bottle the darker reds grab much more attention

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made some quick little colorgrade compare sliders; image on the left is the edit and you can drag the blue dot to compare

⚠️ note that they're uncompressed so rather big for mobile connections! (solarpanel) (windows) (smashed bottle)

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it's wild how much of a difference colorgrading makes, I should take the extra effort more often

oh right i started over with a new structure in a different repo for some reason

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hello brain?? can i have a single functioning please, i'll even work on a fun project if that's what you need

once again would really like a cat but I can barely keep myself alive :)))))

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what the fuck i could've sworn i tooted this before

i cannot get over how cute my sister's new cat is

tired: polishing the ssg overall experience
wired: yakshaving the niche function EVEN FURTHER

track spooking around my head and I just can't find it aaaa

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