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smh free service using 'creditcard' for verification, so tried to use my mastercard debit account but it does a €0.85 transaction to verify (after which they reimburse it) and I only had €0.72 in that account

if the whole "soy gives you boobs" was actually true the diy hrt scene would be all over it

the windows sound whenever outlook web gets a notification will never not confuse me


i think my oatmilk spoiled, yikes

roommate took their french press now I can't foam my oatmilk :(((

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have an interrupt handler in my mind but don't remember what for so it just keeps firing

“669.000 hectare [..] That's an area the size of 446.000 football fields”

why even add that, it does *nothing* to contextualize it, and those numbers are too large to visualize in your head anyways

lol seeing 2 people subtoot eachother on the federated tl


nothing more satisfying than eating a properly wrapped burrito that keeps your plate completely clean

if you write good software it runs well on slow computers, yes even when its javascript

pinafore (mastodon client) fuckin ZOOMS at 800MHz

lol at least half the posts on the federated TL are about the firefox bug


but I did get an actually useful tip to do the course structure backwards, ie start with my finished design now and then work on the individual pieces for the phase before that after

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